Saturday, August 31, 2019
Brand Loyalty †Thesis Proposal Essay
The current financial crisis has spread around the world and no consumer has stayed untouched. In economic downturns, consumers are trying to better manage their expenses due to uncertainty for the future. In such cases, their brand loyalty might be shaken. Especially for UK consumers, whose purchasing power is lower than the other nations, the situation in the beginning of 2010 seems to be much more difficult. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of the current recession on UK consumers’ brand loyalty. A quantitative method will be employed and the empirical data will be collected through questionnaire survey with a sample of fifty UK consumers from the area of Thessaloniki. The questionnaire survey will be distributed to different people regardless of age and demographic characteristics, backgrounds and attitudes. The results of the study will aim to show that not all consumers’ brand loyalty has been shaken the same by the recession but some types of consumers were more affected compared to others. Furthermore, the research will aim to indicate that brand loyalty varies over products so some product and service categories lost a big part of their market share. The findings might be interesting and useful to several companies that would like to be aware both of the profiles of the customers that are more likely to switch to cheaper brands and the products that will easily lose a part of their market share during a recession so that can formulate the appropriate marketing strategy. In the highlighted part right the name of the area where it will be easier for to distribute fifty surveys and get them back. What Influences brand loyalty towards cigarette brands in the UK market? Brand loyalty has been a one of the biggest issues in the world of marketing over the last years. The two topics of brand loyalty and cigarette smoking have rarely been linked. A possible reason for this is that researchers might feel that it is in some way unethical to provide managerial suggestions for tobacco producers. The aim of this study is to clarify that matter and get knowledge about which product-related, psychographic, health-related and demographic factors influence the brand loyalty among smokers and to what extent. By examining brand loyalty towards cigarette brands, those factors which in fact decrease brand loyalty can be identified. In the literature review, the necessary background will be referenced to answer the research questions. The research will be conducted on a quantitative basis. The main research method used will be questionnaire survey. It is the researcher’s belief that this study will provide new and interesting perspective on the topic of brand loyalty, as well as the researcher hopes that the results will be beneficial for social marketers in their fight against cigarette smoking. What effect does sponsorship have on brand loyalty: A case study of Vodafone customers An increasingly larger marketing budget is allocated to sponsoring in companies. This has triggered the attention of the academics to research what the exact effects of sponsorship on a sponsoring brand are. This study fills a gap in the sponsorship literature by focusing on both current customers and looking at sponsorship from both negative and positive perspective. It researches what the effects of sponsorship are on brand loyalty for current customers concerning a sponsored party. Prior literature on both sponsorship and brand loyalty is explored to establish a sound theoretical reference. The review will demonstrate that negative and positive incidences as the context has a negative and positive effect respectively on attitude change toward the sponsored party, which in turn influences change in brand loyalty. The established theoretical reference is tested by means on a questionnaire survey. The sample will consist of Vodafone customers, which are tested on the change in attitudes toward the sponsored team (McLaren-Mercedes Formula 1 team for Vodafone) and on the change in attitudes and behavior toward the sponsoring brand.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Impact of Telecommunications on National Development and Globalization
Telecommunication is the science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses via telegraph, cable, telephone, radio or television. Unprecedented growth in information exchange from 281 petabytes in 1986 to 65 exabytes in 2007 has necessitated the continuous inventions by telecommunication industries to meet up with the demand and this has significantly widened up the industry over the years. Consequently, telecommunication industry has impacted positively on National development and globalization.Thus, National development can be seen as a process that involves extending the benefits of development such as constructing of roads, sinking of boreholes, building of schools, hospitals, etc to the people. National development cannot be possible without development communication, hence, telecommunication. Development communication is the use of communication in the development process. Thus, telecommunication industry has made it easier for the deve lopment agents to communicate to the people, to carryout the development programme effectivetly via Radio, Television, etc.Secondly, Telecommunication industry made communication easier, unlike the days when people depend on written letters,etc to communicate with one another. Atleast one can stay at the comfort of his/her house and reach out to someone very far from him via telephone, skype, fax, etc. Thirdly, with the aid of telecom, people get to learn new culture, languages, new ways of doing things like farming and the likes through satelites, internet, etc. All these, help in the development of the Nation.Globalisation: this is the process of internationation integration arising from the interchange of worldviews, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. It can also be seen as the fact that different cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar to each other because of the influence of large multinational companies and of improved comm unication. Thus, telecom industry has impacted immensely to globalisation. If not for improved way of communication, that is with the invention of satelite, cable, internet, Tv, Radio, etc.There is no way someone in Nigeria will get to know what is happening in America. But with telecom, we get to learn languages, culture, make business deals, trade, etc between one country and another. Finally, three areas telecom industry has affected business marketing, communication amongst human and aided national security. The service revenue of global telecom industry was estimated to be $1. 7trillion in 2008. These services include wireless communications, communication equipments and related ancillary services such as sales and marketing of equipments, installation and repairs of gadgets.This has over the years generated over 40 million jobs globally. Reducing the mitigating effect of world economic crisis which had crumbled the world economy. Online trading activities which include Forex t rading has directly been facilitated and this has contributed immensely to the gross domestic products of the economy. There is no perfect society devoid of quarrels, misunderstanding, violence; verbal and physical. This translates into the world at large; diplomatic rows, boundary disputes, genocides,etc.Telecommunication and indeed telecom industry have made it possible to check the menace posed by communal classes and diplomatic vandetta. It becomes possible to monitor wars and other happenings within a location through the world geographical satelites. Disasters such as the Tsunami in Japan were adequately managed to prevent the extiction of the whole generations of people via relief materials donated by philantropist and other donors. Through internet, ideas, views, products, etc can be shared easily between people and from the comfort of their homes or offices.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Earth Day Essay
The subject of Earth Day has been covered intensively by the world press over the past decade. Many an afternoon has been enjoyed by a family, bonding over the discussion of Earth Day. Until recently considered taboo amongst polite society, it is yet to receive proper recognition for laying the foundations of democracy. Often it is seen as both a help and a hinderence to global commercial enterprises, who are yet to grow accustomed to its disombobulating nature. Complex though it is I shall now attempt to provide an exaustive report on Earth Day and its numerous ‘industries’. Social Factors There is cultural and institutional interdependence between members of any community. When Thucictholous said ‘people only know one thing’ [1] he saw clearly into the human heart. Difference among people, race, culture and society is essential on the survival of our world, however Earth Day raises the question ‘why?’ Recent thought on Earth Day has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. It grows stonger every day. Economic Factors There has been a great deal of discussion in the world of economics, centred on the value of Earth Day. We shall examine the Fish-Out-Of-Water model. Taking special care to highlight the role of Earth Day within the vast framework which this provides. Oil Prices Earth Day What a splendid graph. Obviously oil prices sings a very different tune. Perhaps to coin a phrase Earth Dayeconomics will be the buzz word of the century Political Factors No man is an island, but what of politics? Comparing the general view of politics held by the poor of the west with those of the east can be like comparing. Consider this, spoken at the tender age of 14 by jazz singer Bonaventure H. Amster ‘Taking a walk across hot coals will inevitably hurt your feet.’ [2] This quotation leads me to suspect that he was not unaccustomed to Earth Day. It speaks volumes. History tells us that Earth Day will always be a vote winner, whether we like it, or not. Why did Earth Day cross the road? – To get to the other side! Just my little joke, but lets hope that Earth Day doesn’t inspire similar hilarity in the next elections. Conclusion To conclude, Earth Day parades along man’s streets and man waves back. It fills a hole, invades where necessary and always chips in.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Causes and Consequences of high Staff Turnover Levels in the Retail Essay
Causes and Consequences of high Staff Turnover Levels in the Retail Industry - Essay Example where this phenomenon is clearer, but the fact is that the high staff turnover level has become a common problem in most organizations while the efforts made should be characterized as rather inadequate. Specifically for the retail sector, the high staff turnover level can be explained by the severe turbulences that characterize the relevant market, which can lead to a series of negative outcomes for the companies that operate in this area. In this context, high staff turnover level in the retail sector should be regarded as an expected outcome if taking into account the series of problems of the specific industry which are being represented mostly by several failures regarding the initiatives and the decisions made by the companies’ human resources department. The particular topic has been chosen because of its importance in the operation of commercial markets internationally. More specifically, staff turnover has been found to be related with the business performance (as it will be analyzed in the sections that follow). From this view, staff turnover can also influence the performance of a whole industrial sector in case that the phenomenon is expanded to many firms of a specific sector or just to one which is considered to be the ‘indicator of stability’ in its market. Furthermore, the particular topic has been chosen because of its importance for the employees in the various industries of modern commercial markets. The main objective of current dissertation is the examination of the factors that influence the staff turnover in the retail industry as well as the parameters that can lead to an increase of the turnover in the long term. On the other hand, the consequences of the high staff turnover in the retail industry are also being examined in order to formulate secure results regarding the appearance and the development of the relevant phenomenon in modern commercial markets. It has to be noticed that current paper examines a variety of issues related
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Excel and word Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Excel and word - Assignment Example 4: Frequency distribution for labour hours Bin Frequency 0-1000 0 1001-1100 5 1101-1200 1 1201-1300 2 1301-1400 4 1401-1500 3 1501-1600 6 1601-1700 2 1701-1800 1 1801-1900 0 More 0 Graph 1: Histogram for labour hours The frequency distribution table and the histogram confirms dispersion of observed values on the variables and the slight skewedness. Section B Graphical representation of variables is one of the strategies for identifying their correlation. The following graph shows consistency in changes among all the variables across the considered months. Graph 2: Comparative graph of the variables across the considered months The observed consistency in the variables’ trend suggests possible association among them. A more clear causal effect relationship can be observed from correletion coefficientthat is shown in the following table. Table 5: Correletion coefficients  Overhead costs Direct labour hours Machine hours No. Of set ups Overhead costs 1 Direct labour hours 0.7 03705 1 Machine hours 0.74701 0.680397 1 No. Of set ups 0.555748 0.321948 0.333965 1 The table identifies the strongest association between overhead costs and direct labor hours and machine hours because of the highest coefficient, 0.74701, as compared to coefficients for the other overhead cost drivers. Analysis of variance however offers the most accurate causal effects relationship and the tables bellow shows the regression analysis results. Table 6: ANOVA table for multiple regression analysis ANOVA  df SS MS F Significance F Regression 3 5284.197 1761.399 16.63454 1.17E-05 Residual 20 2117.761 105.8881 Total 23 7401.958    The low significance value, 1.17E-05 that is lower than 0.05, means that the null hypothesis is rejected to the effect that the cost drivers have significant... Advantages and disadvantages of using a spreadsheet package to compile statistical calculations Operating spreadsheets in calculations has both advantages and disadvantages with which users interact. One of the associated advantages is the ease with which an individual can learn about spreadsheet features and apply the features in analysis. Readily available functions for calculations facilitates these as users can easily identify the functions’ locations and use them at the click of a tab. Spreadsheet functions are also organized into categories with distinct features and this allows users to predict, with ease, location of a function for use. The overall display of input values also offer references to facilitate learning of spreadsheet operations. Another identified advantage with spreadsheets is the ability to develop them within a short period and with significant ease. Users’ ability to design and develop spreadsheet also means that the data analysis tools are cheap. Spreadsheets are also flexible to handle both simple and complex data analysis and this make s them applicable to diversified users and professions. Programmed features of spreadsheets with â€Å"built-in capabilities, functions, and tools†also offer an advantage of spreadsheet and empower users in data analysis (Lau and Gugden 2011, p. 247). Most spreadsheets are also readily available with operation systems and from vendors and the accessibility promote training on the spreadsheet applications and familiarity with different spreadsheet features (Tennent and Friend 2011, n.p.). Spreadsheets also allows for multiple representation of data through â€Å"numerical, graphical, and algebraic representations†(Stacey, Chick and Kendal 2004, p. 107).
Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Case Study Example S G Cowen already has with them associates who had joined the firm as interns when they were in their first or second year in a business school. These associates had joined the firm in the break between their first and second years in their business schools and were offered full time employment as they completed their internship that started the following summer. Some other associates had never been to a business school but had served as interns in the firm for three years and were promoted as first year associates after they completed their internship. Very often officials of S G Cowen conduct ‘informational interviews’ prior to the actual formal process to gauge the level of seriousness and intent of the prospective candidates. Though this is essentially an informal process it helps the firm to focus on serious candidates and thus reduces unnecessary efforts on those that are genuinely not interested and have appeared just for the sake of appearing. It must be mentione d that prospective candidates have to appear for these informal interviews at their own expense thus automatically segregating those that were seriously interested from those that are rather casual about the whole process. S G Cowen also appointed ‘group captains’ or contact persons at every core business school to ensure students always had someone through whom they would be able to remain in constant contact with the firm. These contact persons are seldom ever from human resource department. Rather, they are professional investment bankers with long years of service with the firm. These people served the twin purposes of locating best possible candidates who would be able to seamlessly merge with the company and also attracting students who though interested in investment banking but are not quite sure as to which firm they would join. So, a contact person available whenever needed would surely be a great motivating factor. S G Cowen also initially concentrated only o n the top ten business schools. That resulted in often recruiting middle rankers in those schools. So they decided to go to other business schools too where they were able to recruit toppers of those schools. After all a business firm is interested in talent and should not be that much bothered about where they had studied. The company prefaced their recruitment process with a presentation where they clarified who they were, what they did and what distinguished them from other competing recruiters. All the while the company underscored the uniqueness of boutique bankers in that they had a flatter hierarchy than other large scale banks that not only permitted better exposure and interaction with clients but also better opportunities of career advancement. The firm conducts interviews based on both the resumes it has shortlisted and also holds an open session where students enrolled depending on their interest. This also allows them to have a larger pool of prospective candidates and hence the probability of getting better associates. What is your evaluation of the criteria used by this organization in
Monday, August 26, 2019
Marketing to the South Asian Population Assignment
Marketing to the South Asian Population - Assignment Example Moreover, the increase of ethnic diversity has become a trend that will increase, which means that UK population will be even more heterogeneous in future. (Halsey, 2000) The number of immigrants from South Asia will rise, which means greater social weight for this group - currently, the largest of all ethnic minorities in the UK. Adding to social weight also means adding to economic value of South Asian population in Britain. Previously perceived as lacking the purchasing power (Sivanandan, 1989) ethnic minorities now present a significant segment "as consumers, workers, and investors in Europe new immigrant groups are beginning to impact the economic, social and political scene" (Palumbo and Teich, 2004). On the one hand, the significance of ethnic minorities increases, and on the other one, practitioners lack the information on how to use their presence. Indeed, buying behaviour of foreigners differ from European significantly. For instance, Delener (1990) finds that religiosity affects significantly buying behaviour of many ethnic groups. Therefore, understanding of purchasing habits of people from minority ethnic group requires understanding of their cultural differences, which become apparent in ethnic identities of each nation. Despite the wide academic interest to immigrant adaptation (Bhugra et al., 1999; Masuda et al., 1970; Phinney, 1990; Ward and Kennedy, 1994) there is still a significant lack of coherence in the description of ethnic identity, particularly because of terminological issues. Ethnic identity is explained in early studies as common ancestry based on shared individual characteristics and socio-cultural experiences (Drieger, 1978); and as fellings of belonging or commitment (Ting-Toomey, 1981). Later researches consider ethnic identity of a group or individual as the maintenance of original ethnic persona (Laroche et al., 1998) and a sense of shared values and attitudes (White and Burke, 1987). Thus 'ethnic identity' is not a clear term, but rather an umbrella of terms close to each other, yet not exactly similar, remaining opened for new perspectives. Consequently, such multi-dimensional definition of ethnic identity has led to wide acceptance of its multi-dimensional nature (Christian et al., 1976). Another underlying notion widely agreed is that ethnic identity is bound to culture. (Rosenthal and Hrynevich, 1985). However cultural dimensions vary across studies, proposing different models for the analysis of ethnic identity, mainly depending on the particular observed identity. For instance, Palumbo and Teich (2004) indicate religion, rite of passage, language, food and leisure as dimensions of Hispanic ethnic identity. Laroche et al. (2005) while observing differences between Greek and Italian identities, analyse three dimensions: ethnic language use with family members, ethnic language media exposure and ethnic attachment. More general research of Constant et al. (2006) measured ethnic identities of ex-Yugoslavian, Greek, Italian, Turkish and Spanish ethnic groups with five elements: language, culture, social interaction, hist ory of migration, and ethnic self-identification. Without further excessive specification, seven widely accepted dimensions of ethnic identity are given: language, friendship networks, religious affiliation, participation in clubs and organisations, food preferences, traditional celebrations, and politics. Ethnic minority groups present a vast field of interest
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Computer laws in US. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Research Paper
Computer laws in US. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act - Research Paper Example Just like any other invention, computers have two sides; the positive and the negative side. The positive side is where business flourish, scientists do more invention and government offer better services while on the other hand, it gives criminals an extra tool to commit more crimes and get away with it. Computer crimes have been on rapid increase since the advent of intern. Internet has facilitated the criminal activities as a means of access other people’s computers regardless of geographical location. Crimes such as cyber-stalking, child pornography, fraud and scams, hacking copyright violations, malicious code are some of the computer crimes that are now easily committed because of the internet. Compute crimes are unavoidable to organizations that use IT in delivering their services and products. Computer professional therefore should ensure that there are frameworks put in place to protect and face these challenges through laws. This paper will identify and detail some o f the computer laws put in place by US federal legislation. Computer laws face greater challenge because of the dynamic nature of computer crimes because of the new and evolving technologies. The wire fraud statute was the first law in the US used to prosecute computer criminals. This law prohibited the use of communication wires that are used in the international commerce with an attempt to commit a fraud. This law is still in place and is used to date to prosecute computer criminals.... The challenges with the initial structure of CFAAA was that to successfully prosecute fraud charges, one must provide evidence that the suspect gained unauthorized access into the computer system (CFAA, 1986). Have a clause that touched on the method of entry into the computer system rather than focusing on the computer usage was a loophole for crimes committed by insiders. An employee within the company who has legal access to the computer can also commit a crime using the computer. Since it will not be proved that he/she had illegal access, then such person will not be prosecuted. CFAA was modified for the second time in 1994 so as to deal with the act of malicious code such as viruses, worms and other programs designed with an aim of changing or damaging data on the computer (Title 18 U.S.C section 1030). This amendments enhanced the law because initially it focused on the access to the computer system without looking at how the computer system was used. The law was now able to pr osecute those who executed illegal or malicious programs on computers with indention of causing damage to data or the computer. There are several acts that have been passed to add strength or deal with loopholes in CFAA. The National Information Act (NIIA) was enacted in 1996 to protect computer systems against those who access them using other people’s authorization. Penalties under CFAA Offense Minimum sentence Maximum sentence Getting national security information 10 year 20 years Unauthorized access in government computer 1 year 10 years Knowing access and damage 1 year 10 years Knowing access and reckless damage 5 years 20 years Trafficking in passwords 1 year 10 years Extortion involving threats of damage computer 5 years 10 years Theofel v. Farey-Jones in 2003 is a
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Public policy decisions and factual information Essay
Public policy decisions and factual information - Essay Example The ability to provide a solution(s) to something is an incredibly important part of the greater process to be experienced. By achieving an end result, or solution to something, it would lead towards a sense of confidence in beliefs which would have began as being internally held and the notion that, with the creation of the debate over the topic(s) at hand, the final solutions achieved, would have the potential to have lasting implications for many people and for many years to come. The statement made by the author, ties in with the notion of providing individual members of the public with various factual pieces of information and then in turn, stepping aside to see how they will not only digest the information but also, how they ill intend to use in terms of their interactions with others and how it would impact their own respective lives. Human beings, by nature, often times seek to achieve the approval of their own held beliefs, through the providing of information to others. The ability to lay everything out there and at the end of the day, witness the ultimate outcome of all efforts made on either side. As the author himself states, this practice is ultimately a fundamental piece of the proverbial puzzle, in terms of realization of internally held thought patterns and seeing those very same thoughts turned into a reality through fact-based proving to be accurate in any way. By having facts for however many different topics, it can enable an individual(s), to observe everything around them in a different light. To approach either their personal and/or professional relationships, in a manner that may differ from where they would have been, had those facts not been introduced in the first place. In the quest to get someone in line with our own personal way of thinking, the more facts that can be suggested and brought forward, the better for that, more factual information, can lead towards a greater possibility of believing to occur by the viewing audience and present stakeholder(s). With rights, those would be the very things that enable an individual know what they should be allowed to do and to infer, on the other hand, what they necessarily should not be doing at the same time. A crucial outline of rights that many are familiar with, would be the United States Bill of Rights. The very document that all citizens of the nation, would seek out to educate themselves about the rights afforded to them as citizens of this nation. In keeping with the federal aspect of rights, through utilizing the example of the Bill of Rights, Stone addresses the relationship between the citizenry and the government when he states, "..Rights describe those relationships between people or between people and organizations that government will uphold," (Stone, n.d., p. 262). Stone's conclusion cleanly falls within the realm of the intended purpose of producing a clear set of rules for everyone to live by and adhere to.
Friday, August 23, 2019
City Council Meeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
City Council Meeting - Essay Example Seated at the center is the Deputy mayor and also the Head of Committee Services. To the left of the mayor are seated the Chief government, the town Solicitor and also the Council Manager. They supply recommendation on the conduct of the meeting similarly as creating a politician record of the proceedings and selections taken. Upon election, Councilors ar allotted a particular seat within the Chamber. The media create use of a Press Table set below the soapbox and ahead of the Members seating room. Variety of officers also will be gift within the meeting for supporting numerous aspects of the meeting. There’s a Public Gallery to the left of the Lord politician. Officers Gallery is going to be to the correct of the mayor. Each seat has shared access to an electro-acoustic transducer that is controlled from a console on the soapbox within the Chamber. The Lord politician encompasses a reproduction of the electro-acoustic transducer layout on the chamber in order that those desires to talk are often known. The console and also the Mayors electro-acoustic transducer incorporate associate degree override button. The reduction from originally a hundred sixty five Councilors to the current ninety Councilors implies that not all of the seats within the Chamber square measure currently occupied. The Council meets each seven weeks and extraordinary conferences square measure generally commands to subsume specific problems. At the start of each municipal year the council holds its annual general meeting. This is often the meeting wherever the mayor, deputy mayor, leader and executive board square measure appointed, yet as the numerous different committees of the council. There square measure total ninety councilors in thirty wards of urban center council. One ward is consisting of roughly twelve, thousand populations. All wards square measure community based mostly wards. There square measure three councilors for every ward. They’re the representative
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Explain how the Bible shows god as a creator Essay Example for Free
Explain how the Bible shows god as a creator Essay In the bible God is described as the creator of everything. This is accepted without being questioned rather than being a matter of discussion. The nature of God as creator is most clearly seen in passages from genesis and Psalms. God is described as the creator meaning he designed and produced everything. According to Christian tradition, God caused the Universe to exist, he is responsible for the Universe coming into existence and existing at every moment. God is also responsible for everything that will ever exist in the Universe. To understand why exactly God is considered as the creator of everything it is helpful to look at the concepts of good being omnipotence, omnipresent and omniscience. Omnipotence literally means that God is all powerful. No one is and will ever be more powerful than he is. Within this lies the idea that nothing logically possible is beyond the power of God. Even though miracles happened in the Bible it does not mean that God can make the impossible happen like square circles. But it simply says that God is responsible for the way the universe works. Omnipresent is very easy to understand, it simply means that God is everywhere, and by implication in every moment. Finally, omniscience is the idea that God is all-knowing. There is nothing that happens in the universe physically, mentally or spiritually that God does not know. As he is just everywhere, Christians also say they have a relationship with God because he is always with them. They can trust and rely on him. Sometimes god is even seen as a craftsman. In the bible you will not find a guidance of how God created the world and on what exact date, but you will find an account of the way God is intimately involved in the making of all the living and non-living things of which the universe consists. How God made the world himself. The Bible also talks about the spirit of God how it moved through darkness before the earth existed. The Spirit of God is also translated as the breath of God and the moving as brooding. This gives the idea of good breathing life itself into our world and like a parent he was brooding over that life. He all did it himself, with love and passion he was involved in creating the universe. Like a parent God watched over us, wanted exactly us to be in this world and to be born. Exactly the way we are. It seems like he formed us, like a potter. We are crafted by God. Isabel Odenwà ¤lder ‘God is responsible for everything that happens in the universe’ The extent to which God is responsible for what happens in the universe is determined by the limitations of our belief in Gods omnipotence and omniscience. Defined, God’s omnipotence describes his limitless power; a concept which incorporates the belief that God has the power to control what is happening, God is responsible for everything that happens in the universe. His omniscience refers to his unlimited knowledge. God knows everything. You could argue that God is responsible for everything that happens in the universe because his omnipotence and omniscience is shown all through the bible. God created the univers because he wanted it to happen, he is omnipotent. But this also leads to a contradiction. If you accept that God knows everything, that he is responsible for everything that happens in the universe and that he loves us and we are having a relationship with him, then why would he allow so many terrible things to happen in the world? As example in the creation story when god created the world and the human kind. God created the paradise, the world for us, gave us fruitful earth and wild animals. He created something beautiful. And it all happened after his will, he decided how trees would look like and how strawberries would taste. He gave Eve and Adam the best conditions for a good life. But Adam and Eve were not satisfied with what they had after a while. They wanted more. So eventually they ate an apple from the tree which they were not allowed to eat from. As soon as they did so, the paradise was not how it used to be. This part in the bible says that God gave us the world under best conditions everything was great but sometimes we make mistakes and wrong decisions, we act wrong. Sometimes humans are too selfish and greedy. The problem of most natural disasters is not the disaster itself but the fact that there is not enough help and money on site. But we could change that, we are responsible too for what is happening. We can always make a change! If we would life like God wants us to, we would not have any starving children in Africa or any other problems like that. God is not responsible for our very own actions. He is like a parent ‘brooding us’ he gave our mind with which we can think and act. The rest is up to us. In my opinion God is responsible for the existing of our earth he is the reason why we live. If we need support and someone to talk to we can rely on him. But God gave us our minds to think, to make our own decisions. God have us our lives but he does not life them. We do.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Easy Honey Hair Care Essay Example for Free
Easy Honey Hair Care Essay Let me start at the beginning. This past year, I’ve been on a crazy hippie journey to eliminate toxic products from my life. Now, I’m excited to say that all of my body care items are homemade and non toxic. This includes: toothpaste, deodorant, body moisturizer (a blend of coconut oil, emu oil and essential oils), facial oil, and facial toner. I tried numerous types of DIY shampoos, including the no ‘poo method, but I was never happy. They irritated my scalp or dried out my hair. As a matter of fact, the no ‘poo method (baking soda + vinegar hair care) actually damages hair! Why Wash Hair with Honey Shampoo I’ve been washing my hair with this DIY honey shampoo for the past month and I LOVE the results! First, my embarrassing and persistent dandruff is clearing up. My hair is soft, shiny and it has become even more curly/wavy than usual. Finally, it is significantly less frizzy and I have no need to use an anti-frizz product. My scalp’s oil production has normalized and I can go 4 days between hair washing. The pH of the scalp is between 4 and 7, and the pH of honey is about 4. The slightly acidic nature of the honey balances the scalp and fights dandruff Raw honey is naturally antibacterial and antifungal, so honey washing can help treat a bacterial/fungal issues on the scalp Honey won’t strip the scalp and hair of the protective oils. As a result, hair will be less oily over time because the scalp will stop over-comensating with oil production (which happens when shampoos strip the scalp of all oils) Honey moisturizes the hair, and, since it doesn’t strip the hair of natural oils, hair will be softer with less frizz You will be able to go longer and longer between washings as your scalps oil production normalizes. Now, I only need to wash my hair every 4 days (and I’ve even gone a week between washing)! Honey washing is easy and fast! DIY Honey Shampoo Use only raw honey. Regular honey is processed with damaging levels of heat and is actually cut with corn syrup. I recommend making it on a â€Å"single serving†basis, so just mix up a little bowl of the shampoo before you plan to use it. Here’s the basic ratio, but you can adjust it as desired: 1 Tbs. raw honey and 3 Tbs. filtered water. If necessary, slightly heat the mixture over very low heat to help dissolve the honey. Yes, this is really watery†¦ that is how it is supposed to be. If desired, add a few drops of essential oil. To the mixture above, I add about 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 2 drops of rosemary oil, and 2 drops of carrot seed oil. The essential oils add a light fragrance and also help with any flaky scalp issues. The carrot seed oil, especially, is very nourishing to the hair. Wet hair, then massage a few tablespoons of the honey shampoo on the scalp. Massage well to distribute over the scalp. Don’t worry about getting the mixture on the ends of the hair, just the scalp area. Rinse well. No need to follow with any conditioner. How to store the honey shampoo UPDATE: I had one reader tell me her shampoo grew mold after one week. I have not had this happen to me, but I don’t want anyone else to have this experience. That is why I have updated the post suggesting that you make it as you need it. It’s super quick to mix together right before you wash your hair. Dun dun dun†¦ The Transition Period Nobody likes the term â€Å"transition period†but I have to mention it. When you switch from any type of sudsing shampoo (which is very stripping and drying to hair) to honey washing, your hair will probably be oily and dull after the first couple times of honey washing. It may even take a month or two for your scalp oil production to normalize when you switch from regular shampoo to honey washing. So for the first week, you may need to honey wash every day. Then you will find you can go every other day, then every second day, etc. Updates and FAQs After this post clocked in at the 350 comments mark in early September, I figured it was time for a follow-up. In my Honey Shampoo: Updates and FAQs post, I address some common questions and explain my new hair care routine. I also give a couple of tips to make the transition period easier. Finally, I explain that natural hair care varies greatly from person to person and offer some other non-shampoo options to try if you don’t like Honey Shampoo.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Limitations of Forensic Science
Limitations of Forensic Science Over the past decades, Forensic science has evolved and has been embraced by most states as a vital constituent of modern legal practice. It is widely used in courts as a major source for the outcome of a verdict. Forensic science has attained a merit of its own although it is relatively new in the jurisprudence world. As technology and science have evolved with time, more and new methodologies and practices in law realm have been established. In United States (U.S.) specifically, the application of utilizing forensic analysis has become a routine (James,2009). Statement of the problem This report explores the use of forensic science and DNA in the judicial processes, its strengths and limitations. Admissibility and Use of Forensic Evidence in Courts Over the last decades, forensic evidences have taken part in the search for justice to individuals who have been convicted for crimes and also as a link to suspects. It has been cited as a fallible source unlike the eye witnesses. The rate at which forensic evidence is used in criminal courts depends on the type of offence. For example, for murder cases forensic science evidence is presented almost always. In criminal cases, a prosecution team commissions most of the forensic assignments. On the other hand, the legal team of the defendant can commission forensic assignments to challenge or check the prosecutions forensic evidence or to determine the innocence of the defendant. Forensic evidence has enabled to link offenders to their victims and crime scenes using physical evidence and also in identifying individuals without peer. With perspiration, a fleck of blood, saliva on a cups rim, a piece of hair among others has been successfully used to link a suspect to a crime. Innocent and wrongly accused individuals have been exonerated using such evidences. Persons who have been jailed for years have later been exonerated after DNA analysis has been carried out to prove their innocence. To yield positive results, crime laboratories have enforced professionalism, adopted reliable procedures and coordinated with both the legal and the scientific communities. Presently, for a scientific system to be accepted before a court, the evidence derived from it does not have to go through a prescribed test. For future admissibility of scientific evidence in court to be shaped, development of more newer and advanced forensic tools and techniques is being embraced as technology and time progresses. Thus, courts are increasingly relying more on scientific evidence to deliver a judgment. Problems Associated with Forensic Science and DNA Evidence Evidences of forensic science should always be neutral. Scientists should not have any stake in the case outcome though this is not always the case. Numerous deficiencies have threatened to limit forensic services to the society and have therefore weakened its presumed scientific foundation. Below are some of the major problems in forensic science and DNA testing: Astounding Frequency of Cross-Contamination and Sample Mix-Ups A surprisingly high rate of errors in the laboratory is one of the emerging problems which involves cross-contamination and mix-up of DNA samples. Such errors appear to be persistent and crop up even in the accredited DNA labs. The forensic scientists though have managed to reduce such instances and thus the rate of DNA testing errors have been claimed to be low thus negligible, but growing evidence suggests otherwise. Bad Laboratories Uneven state of forensic DNA labs is another recognized chronic problem. Labs differ significantly in the care with which they authenticate their methods and the severity with which they are carried out. Procedures that are followed religiously in quality assurance and quality control in some laboratories are disregarded or followed constantly in others. Bad laboratories have always been there but detection of their shoddy work has always been complex (Neubauer, 2009),. This is because such labs are in jurisdictions which have traditionally safeguarded crime labs from external examination. For example according to Strutin: It is now recognized that the Houston Police Department (HPD) Crime laboratory did grossly inadequate incompetent and biased DNA and serology work for well over a decade before a team of television journalists exposed the problems in late 2002. Dishonest DNA Analysts Test results are at times falsified by deceitful DNA Analysts. This emerging problem has led to the analysts faking test outcome to cover up errors that come up from sample mix-ups and cross-contamination of DNA samples. Connecting the evidence and the suspect Nuclear DNA analysis being an exception, there is no other forensic method that has severely shown the capacity to persistently, with a high degree of assurance, exhibit a connection between a specific individual or source and the evidence. For instance, fingerprint analyses have more available research and conventional protocols than for bite marks analysis. There are also notable variations within the disciplines. For instance, all fingerprints evidence is not equally good reason being that the determination of a true value evidence is the latent fingerprint image quality. These disparities within and between the forensic systems disciplines bring to light a serious problem in the forensic community. Inadequate legal counsel is another major problem DNA testing will not solve. In some instances, defense counsel never consulted scientific experts. DNA Analysis in the forensic science is taking a slow speed on its road to admissibility. Insufficient funds are evident in certain jurisdictions and they therefore cannot send evidence items to private labs or establish own lab. Labs that perform tests have often had backlogs measured in months. A great burden is imposed by defense counsel, prosecutors and courts on labs time in discovery battles that often transpire when there are upcoming new techniques on forensic scenes. Though valuable forensic DNA evidence can be found in decades old samples, the DNA left in scenes of crime can be affected by factors like: sunlight, bacteria, moisture and heat among others. As a result, such DNA may not be used to give evidence and just like the fingerprints, analysts will not use DNA testing to give the time period when a suspect was at the scene of crime or at what time the suspect was there. Exoneration Based on DNA Evidence Cases that would have been impossible to prosecute before the arrival of DNA typing are now prosecuted. A number of states created DNA data bases on offenders that are known which they compare against unsettled crimes. Matches are provided from their databases which assist to successfully prosecute a handful of them. Persons wrongly convicted are exonerated by use of DNA which is termed as a legislative reform movement. Convictions can be successfully challenged using DNA analysis on existing evidence. To ensure that testimony and results can withstand rigorous examination and that they are of high caliber, high standards are maintained for the collection and preserving of evidence. DNA methodology of testing must also meet precise scientific criteria for accuracy and reliability. In future, we expect miniaturized portable instrumentation to provide crime scene analysis that will be computer-link remote analysis. This will allow quick identification and rapid elimination of innocent suspects. Availability of markers will also be needed to identify physical qualities of the DNA contributor. Using this information, it will be easy to narrow a suspect search with increase in efficiency and accuracy of operation. Conclusion It is clear that the United States justice system depends on the use of natural science-based forensic evidence, and admissibility is simply one of the steps evidence must satisfy to be utilized in the justice system. In the near future, it is very likely that the admissibility of science as evidence will be challenged in the United States Supreme Court as technology develops and allows researchers to gain precise results and understanding of the human body. At the present, it is too early to determine whether the Federal Rules of Evidence are outdated, however this does not mean that the construct of the legislation should not be reexamined. Forensic analysis, though controversial in many aspects, constitutes a primary source of information for the tier of fact when determining a verdict for a case. Thus, natural science-based forensic evidence should be carefully studied and examined thoroughly in order for justice to be properly achieved.
Roman Medicine Essay -- essays research papers fc
The Romans used both scientific and mythological methods in their medicine. By adopting the methods of Greek medicine; the Romans obtained a solid foundation. They copied Hippocrates, who separated the study of medicine from philosophy and had an overall approach to the health of humans. Hippocrates also observed the habits and environment of humans to accurately determine illnesses and discover treatments. The Romans adapted the Hippocratic method and combined it with mythical and religious views. The Romans used Greek methods, and also included prayers and offerings to the gods. Although all gods had healing powers, Aesculapius, the god of healing, was the most important. Unlike today, the Ancient Roman doctors received no respect, because they were considered to be fraudilant. This reputation was caused by the doctors magical tricks, and the lack of useful treatments. The job required minimal training, as they only had to apprentice with their senior. Thus, many free slaves and people who had failed at everything else filled this profession. Some did try to find new remedies; however, others used medicine to con people. Public surgeries were done to attract audiences as an advertisement. Doctors would even become beauticians providing perfumes, cosmetics, and even hairdressing. When wives wanted their husbands gone, they would say,  ¡Ã‚ §put the patient out of his misery ¡Ã‚ ¨ and the doctors would be the murderers. However, as wars began to break out, there were improvements bec...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Literary Elements and Time Setting in Ethan Frome Essay -- essays rese
Ethan Frome Love does not always have happy endings. People can fall in and out of love as easily as changing clothes. "Ethan Frome," a novel by Edith Wharton, explains how a married man named Ethan struggles on with his life, secretly distracted by the yearning for his wife's cousin, Mattie Silver. The author uses literary elements and time setting in the story. Wharton has been generous in using literary elements in the novel. She has put together senses of personification and similies to thoroughly describe the plot of the story. In personifying the kitchen ornaments, the author uses "...-were hastily refreshing themselves at one corner of the supper-table which aligned its devastated pie dishes and ice cream saucers on the platform at the end of the hall." In this selection, Whar...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Grunge Culture Essay -- Cultural Skater Grungy Essays
Grunge Culture Skaters. They are the typical representation of the grunge culture of the ‘90s. Extremely wide pants, pockets that go to the back of their knees, extravagant piercings, intricate tattoos, and twenty-fourth century hair dos are just part of the looks that these so called â€Å"grungy people†are made of. Or at least they were when the grunge phenomenon started. With the death of Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, the grunge movement seems to have slowed down and evenâ€â€as some sayâ€â€disappeared from the main stream pop culture. As we all know, those commercial creations often come and go without us even noticing them. But grunge, I think, has moved to a different direction, one that can trick us into thinking it is gone. Grunge is still among our youngsters, and that is for sure; it is just not as noticeable as is used to be. But, what is exactly grunge and what direction is it taking? First, let us define what grunge is and where it comes from. Grunge as defined by web encyclopedia alt.culture is the cumulative influences of punk and ‘70s heavy metal (plus rain, coffee, cheap, potent beer, and occasionally heroin), a cohort of Seattle bands developed a soulful hard rock variant that was instrumental to alternative music’s early-‘90s move underground (altculture. com). Among the bands included in the definition Nirvana would be mainly the one that made this phenomenon popular. Released in 1991, Nevermindâ€â€a record by an obscure band working in a genre considered as hopelessly uncommercialâ€â€launched the grunge phenomenon and marked an era of unprecedented exposure for alternative acts. Then other bands like Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Soundgarden, Candlebox followed the trail that Nirvana started in the grunge w... ...congregations of grunge believers. This is where the most amateur alternative bands debut and discover their little local fame. Obviously, most of them don’t make it to the top. Our society is still very commercially oriented and the grunge phenomenon is not as large as to promote all but very few bands to be the representatives of the movement. So, go ahead; open your eyes and discover that grunge is not gone as it seems, it is still among us. Even though it may be wearing new costumes or listening to a different style of music, it is still the same. It is that counter-current movement that kids of new generations want to embrace as their liberty flag. It is that non-conformist dilemma, the spark that lights the fire of those who believe that mainstream society is not the only one. Grunge is still around, maybe not as popular as before, but stronger than ever.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Legal, Ethical, and Risk Management †You Decide Essay
I would like to begin by giving you a summarized scenario of assignment this week. My role in this scenario is an Event Leader for a tradeshow and exhibition. At the day of the event, I was standing by the loading dock with sweat dripping down my eye brow. As dozens of trucks and other vehicles line up for what seems like miles in the distance. As the sun continued to beat down on the loading dock, the union representatives begin to exchange words with me about who has had the jurisdiction of work. Finally, I glanced at my watch and realized that the loads-in for the event was running two hours behind schedule, thus incurring thousands of dollars in overtime charges. And this was only the beginning of trials for the trade show. Once the doors to the exhibition opened, hundreds of buyers streamed in and promptly clogged the aisles on one side of the exhibit floor. For nearly four hours, buyers virtually ignored exhibitors on the other side of the exhibit floor. A few minutes after the exhibition began. Several exhibitors complained to me that the other exhibitors were playing loud music and stepping into the aisles to bring more people into their booths. The legal counsel for the exhibition center John Reed He reminded the exhibit manager that it is illegal for an exhibitor to play music without permission from the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers or Broadcast Music, Inc. Fred Meyers, the union representative of the exhibit hall, was having some heated words about the jurisdiction of work with me. Then I notice that I was running two hours behind getting the exhibit materials into the exhibit hall. Sam Smith, the Exhibition Manager, is getting concerned about the problems developing with loud music in some exhibitor’s booths, the labor jurisdiction of work for the union, the issue of overcrowding, and the activities conducted in the booths. He requested that I give him a report so these issues would be solved before the next trade show which will begin following week. And these are the following objectives that I have to comply with his request as a report for me to submit. What should be included in the exhibitor’s policies, procedures, and practices and regulations? * Eligibility – Each exhibiting company must submit an application and contract for exhibit space or application for other options such as table tops displays, demo and safety plan. If accepted this will become a binding agreement and highlights that our company has the right to deny access to any individual or organization it deems to inconsistent with the goals of the event and its members, rights to reject application that is incomplete and incompliance to requirements, completing the application and reserving booth space proves that exhibitors agree to all rules and regulation of the event and any decisions of the event organizers will be acceptable , and further , that said exhibitor will bound by such decision’s. Eligibility is conditions that an applicant or exhibitors must fulfill. * Indemnity – is a legal philosophy upon which the concept of most insurance policies rests. It’s a protection from loss and damage claims filed by another person. For example, an event goer may have injured themselves from a slip and fall and the exhibitors must have an indemnity insurance to compensate visitors. And for the exhibitors indemnify and hold harmless all organizers of the event , its officers, directors and employees, including volunteers , and members from all liability to any person or persons for or by reason of any condition, defect operation of any apparatus, equipment, or fixtures furnished by the exhibitor in connection with his /her agents, servants or employees. This is to cover the exhibitors to help the visitors and event staffs to get restored to original state and helps the holder from suffering financial loss due to law suit. Exhibitors Insurance – May seems like a minor issue, but the organizers, venues and promoters take it very seriously. A simple trip and fall caused by exhibitors actions and if this policy is not in place can cost the organizers, venues and promoters a lot of money. All exhibitors must have Insurance are part of eligibility to exhibit for the event. * Security – We will not guarantee exhibitors against, nor shall it be responsible for, exhibitor’s materials loss or damage of any kind. All security that was provided by the event organizer is intended primarily for crowd control and credential verification. Exhibitors must provide their own security personnel. * Booth Selections – this should be first come first serve, a rank number are assigned after dues are fully paid. Booth structure and decor guidelines – All aisles, passageways, overhead spaces, public meeting rooms, and other meeting facilities are controlled by event organizers. And exhibitors must adhere to the following. 1) No obstructive booth design is permitted, end cap Booths are not permitted and exhibitors may not sublet, assign or share any part of the space allocated. 2) Banners spanning the public aisle way are prohibited. 3) Displays, furniture’s, etc. In public aisle ways is prohibited. If the exhibit hall is not carpeted, it is the exhibitor’s responsibility to carpet their booth. 4) Multi story exhibits must receive proper approval from the convention center and / or appropriate local government agency. 5) The maximum height of any island or peninsula booth structure or hanging signs is 20†. 6) No live animals are permitted on the show floor, apart from authorized service animals. 7) No helium balloons are permitted or any high flammable materials on the show floor without approval from the event organizers and proof of contingency plan for safety and precaution. ) No automobiles or any type of vehicles are permitted on the show floor. 9) No offensive or inappropriate signs or decorations permitted. 10) Exhibitors must solicit only at the vicinity of their booth. Any space not partially occupied at least 30 minutes prior opening. Will be forfeited by the exhibitor and can be used by the event organizers in any manner, without refund, unless arrangements for delayed occupancy have been previously approved by the event organizer. All booths must be ready for the show by the walk through inspections. The exhibitor agrees to maintain decorum in and around his exhibit space that will not offend or disturb other exhibitors. Exhibitors must police their own booths to be sure the noise levels from demonstrations or sound system is kept to a minimum and does not interfere with others. Demonstration areas must be organized within the exhibitor’s space so as to not interfere with any traffic in the aisle, and sampling or demonstration tables must be placed a minimum of 2 feet from the aisle line so as to prevent accidental injury to spectators. Should the spectators interfere with the normal traffic flow in aisle ways, or overflow into neighboring exhibits, the presentation will be limited or eliminated. Booths must be staffed at all times the exhibit hall is open. How do you design the exhibit floor to avoid crowding, gridlock, and other crowd control issues? In the initial planning stages for major crowd events a number of considerations that we should addressed in advance. * Does the site have adequate access and staging area for large numbers of emergency vehicles in a major incident? Is access to, and road network within, adequate, or would emergency responders have to walk significant distances to the principal spectator areas? * Once on site, is there sufficient room for staging or maneuvering, to permit repositioning or redeployment of emergency vehicles as directed by the incident? * Due to the nature of road access would early arriving vehicles be prevented from leaving by gridlock produced by subsequently arrivin g equipment? * Is the location served by an access road or street which could be closed to the public and used only? If so, what and where will be the de tour plan? * Do we have enough parking for all spectators? Is event staff in place to guide spectators where to park , and stop others when parking lot is full and give directions where else can park their vehicles. Are there nearby areas for overflow parking? Are shuttle busses desirable, feasible, or necessary? * Does the location allow for adequate crowd regulation, e. g. existing regiment seating areas, flow barriers, ect.? * Are spectator overflow areas available to prevent crush, should spectator turnout significantly exceeds expectations? Is the surrounding road network able to handle the anticipated spectator vehicular traffic? * If the parking lot is full, will the road network allow continued vehicle flow thus preventing gridlock? Using a swot analysis will also help prevent crowding, gridlock and other crowd control issues. What do you do if an exhibitor violates regulations? * A violation to the regulations of an event will result in c ancellation of exhibit space during the event without refund. The event organizer reserves the right to impose limitation on noise levels and any other methods of operation which becomes objectionable. An immediate removal of all persons and goods. The exhibitor shall pay all expenses and damages that may incur through the enforcement of this rule. How do you communicate effectively with union workers? * Approach managing all employees the same way, whether they’re represented by a union or not because effective management applies to both: being honest, communicating, well and often, listening to and resolving issues as they arise, recognizing and rewarding good performance, and creating an environment of trust and respect and that’s you would treat everyone as employee’s, vendors, and unions. Union workers mean well in their actions and they are there to help. The best practice is to work with them as though they are an extra eyes and ears for you – like a partner helping to manage as we all would. Utilized effectively, they can be helpful ally to you. When opportunity arises, resolve dispute quickly and fairly. Formal grievance procedures are standard in most union contracts, but they’re there only if you are unable to resolve the problem or disagreement. Speak to the people in your organization who can help you, like supervisor or human resources, then work openly with your shop steward’s and your employees. Know what you want because you will have to put it in writing. They value contracts and this replaces hand books and they are â€Å"hard and fast†rules that govern your relationship with these employees. Review your nonunion policy and make sure they are similar ensure fairness. Key is to be fair. What are some creative solutions to ensure that buyers visit underutilized areas of the exhibit area? Ahead of time before the event starts, use the power of the media to attract attention to your company’s display at the show. This section provides the strategies, tool and tips you need to create successful press releases and press kits. Try to conduct some press conferences as well to orient spectators of what are the exiting things to expect and once the event starts , spectators will come to your booth even it is located far, far away or back behind everyone else, spectators will come and see you for the specific things that they need. I strongly believe that an effective public relations effort begins before the show, continues at the show and pays big dividends for your company if you keep it up after the show. Sales are not only a job it’s a relationship committed to do better for your company and all it takes in your part is your sincere friendship. You can start by sending e-mail blast to every prospect that you have and arrange appointments; just make sure you set your appointments not to close to each other and may clash cause problems. Have visual effects of your product on the show, customer’s loves pictures, better yet a presentation that explains your product. Don’t settle with just free key chains and pamphlet’s because you can give them out all day long but what is important is they know what you are selling and understand the value of what’s in it for them. And to keep them lingering around you booth, I would suggest to be creative on obstacles of marketing, like preventing distraction to your prospect. Prospects on events usually come with family with kids; having toys or an amusement area for them and this will relieve the adults to focus on what you are selling. Do roulette games and door prizes that usually work in my personal experiences. Refreshments and cookies never fails, they probably come to your booth first before anything else. And lastly , after the event is over ; make sure all your leads receive a follow up with requested information, asking them how was the event, and any suggestions, and what did you like most and the least using personal phone calls, direct mail, faxes or e-mails to respond back to you . and this will help also to retain contacts and invite them back for another successful event like how you did in the past and specially improved. Happy Selling!
Friday, August 16, 2019
Ethics in Public Sector
This debate has given a better understanding of the responsibilities of the public sector, and how it should interact and interface with (elected) governments, with citizens, civil society and foreign as well as domestic corporations and private business Institutions. Besides, ethics and ethical principles can help people make better decisions, and help people evaluate the decisions of others (Like public officials). Much of this debate has focused on â€Å"good governance†, broadly speaking.Ethics has also been a part of this debate, in particular the discussion on professional ethics of civil servants, and too lesser extent the professional and arsenal ethics of politicians and elected office holders. Although the ethics of the civil service will be the main focus of this compendium, we are also looking into the ethics of the political sphere. Ethics has long been a controversial area of study in the professions of law, politics, philosophy, theology and public administratio n, and other study areas.Some practitioners, however, will dismiss any study or theory of ethics as not pertinent to their work, preferring instead to rely on laws, personnel manuals and job descriptions to define the limits of public sector responsibilities. That view now seems to be losing ground to the viewpoint that public administrators are no longer, if they ever were, expert technicians simply Implementing the policy decisions of the policy makers. Rather, public administrators exercise substantial discretion (decision-making power) on their own, discretion that affects peoples' lives in direct, lasting, and sometimes profound ways.In addition, there can be reasons to question the legitimacy of the rules and the policy decisions that public administrators are Implementing. Administrators and bureaucrats cannot avoid asking decisions, and in doing so they should attempt to make ethical decisions. Administrators have discretionary powers that go beyond the manuals, orders, Job descriptions and legal framework of their position and duties, and professional ethics will have to come In as guldens, In Dalton to the formal regulations.Administrators should therefore seek a broad and solid understanding of ethical theories and traditions, and look for methods for thinking about the ethical dimensions of their decision-making Thus, for a period of time there was a â€Å"realist†school within political science that eschewed any moral component of decision-making as naive, as a religious imposition or as plain hypocritical. Likewise in economics, the standard view has been on humans as a â€Å"homo economics†, a rational man attempting to pursue his selfish Interests, with little regard for ethics.Many people still believe that ethics Is too weak and too ;nice' to be of real importance in what is regarded as the tough, dirty and unprincipled world of politics. 1 OFF togged a proper understanding of what is going on. Ethics is also sometimes seen as active (telling other people what they should not do), impractical (because it is backed only by conscience), and more likely to catch the believing innocent rather than the deliberate offenders.Ethical issues in political science tend to be complex, ranging from micro-level personal issues to national, comparative and international relations. In politics, issues such as public vs.. Private interests, conflicts of interest, power abuse, and corruption have special salience. However, to prevent misconduct is as complex as the phenomenon of misconduct itself. This introduction will present three main topics.First, it will outline the basis and basics of ethics, secondly it will outline the â€Å"infrastructure†of ethics (what shapes the ethics of individuals) and thirdly it will outline two particular themes; the discussion on conflict of interests and corruption What is Ethics? Ethics refers to principles by which to evaluate behavior as right or wrong, good or bad. Ethics re fers to well based standards of right and wrong, and prescribe what humans ought to do. Ethics are continuous efforts of striving to ensure that people, ND the institutions they shape, live up to the standards that are reasonable and solidly based.It is useful to distinguish between normative and descriptive ethics; normative ethics describes the standards for the rightness and wrongness of acts, whereas It is useful to distinguish between normative and descriptive ethics; normative ethics describes the standards for the rightness and wrongness of acts, whereas descriptive ethics is an empirical investigation of people's moral beliefs. L This introduction is for the most part concerned with normative ethics. The law is one Asia promoter of ethic behavior.The law, however, only seta minimum standard for ethical conduct. Just because an act is legal, does not automatically mean it is ethical (think of the apartheid laws, for instance). Nor is an illegal act necessarily immoral (someti mes it can be Justified to break the law). Moral Philosophy Traditionally, moral philosophy (also known as normative ethics and moral theory) is the study of what makes actions right and wrong. These theories offer an overarching moral principle to which one could appeal in resolving difficult moral sections.There are several strands of ethics, which differs on the basis (or rationale) for their various ethical considerations. The three best known normative theories are virtue ethics, consequentiality (in particular utilitarianism) and deontological ethics (and in particular Kantian). Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics focuses on the character of the agent rather than on the formal rules for or the consequences of actions. The key elements of virtue ethical thinking are The roots of the Western tradition lie in the work of Plato and Aristotle, but virtues re important also in traditions of Chinese moral philosophy.Virtue theory returned to prominence in Western philosophical thought in the twentieth century, and is today one of the three dominant approaches to normative theories. Virtue ethics includes an account of the purpose of human life, or the meaning of life. To Plato and Aristotle, the purpose was to live in harmony with others, and the four Cardinal Virtues were defined as prudence, Justice, fortitude and temperance. The Greek idea of the virtues was later incorporated into Christian moral theology. Proponents of virtue theory sometimes argue that a central feature of a virtue is that it is universally applicable.Consequentiality Consequentiality refers to those moral theories, which hold that the consequences off particular action form the basis for any valid moral Judgment about that action. Thus, from a consequentiality standpoint, a morally right action is one that produces a good outcome, or consequence. Utilitarianism is a specific strand of consequentiality ethics. Utilitarianism is the idea that the moral worth of an action is solely determined by it s contribution to overall utility, that is, its contribution to happiness or pleasure as summed up among all persons.The more happiness or pleasure for the more people, the better. It is consequentiality because the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome, and that the ends Justify the means. Utilitarianism can also be characterized as a quantitative and reductionism approach to ethics. 2 Utility – the good to be maximized – has been defined by various thinkers as happiness or pleasure (versus sadness or pain). It has also been defined as the satisfaction of preferences. It may be described as a life stance with happiness or pleasure as ultimate importance.In general use of the term utilitarian often refers to a somewhat narrow economic or pragmatic viewpoint. However, philosophical utilitarianism is much broader than this; for example, some approaches to utilitarianism also consider non-humans (animals and plants) in addition to people. Deontological Eth ics Deontological ethics has also been called â€Å"duty' or â€Å"obligation†based ethics. Deontological believe that ethical rules â€Å"bind you to your duty', and they look at the eighties or wrongness of actions themselves, as opposed to the rightness or wrongness of the consequences of those actions.Deontological ethics looks at our fidelity to principle and disregards the consequences of a particular act, when determining its moral worth. Kantian (or Kantian ethical theory) is deontological, revolving entirely around duty rather than emotional feelings or end goals. The core concept is â€Å"duty', or what one ought to do in certain situations. Kantian states that truly moral or ethical acts are not based on self-interest or the greatest utility, but on a sense of â€Å"duty' and or the individual and their usefulness for others).Kantian theories are based on the work of the German philosopher Emmanuel Kant (1724 – 1804), to whom the â€Å"categorical impe rative†is a core element. Kant thought that human beings occupy a special place in the world, and that morality can be summed up in one, ultimate commandment of reason, or imperative, from which all duties and obligations derive. A categorical imperative denotes an absolute, unconditional requirement that exerts its authority in all circumstances, both required and Justified as an end in itself.Kant argued against utilitarianism and other moral philosophy of his day, because for example an utilitarian would say that murder is K if it does maximize good for the greatest number of people; and he who is preoccupied with maximizing the positive outcome for himself would see murder as K, or irrelevant. Therefore, Kant argued, these moral systems cannot persuade moral action or be regarded as basis for moral Judgments because they are based on subjective considerations. A deontological moral system was his alternative, a system based on the demands of the categorical imperative.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
How does the theme of loneliness affect the friendship and relationships in “Of Mice and Men?†Essay
The novel is set in California in the 1930’s. It is about migrant workers working on a ranch. The novel tells us about two lonely men who travel together. While they are together they carry something inside called â€Å"The American Dream†. It was a dream that one day they would make money and have a place of their own but it was hard because of The Great Depression. The Great Depression was a result of the Wall Street crash which meant economy declined and people worked hard but got low wages. Migrant workers had to travel from ranch to ranch for work and often stayed for a short period of time. Because of their circumstances, life was lonely. Migrant workers led a lonely life, but often factors in the 1930’s prejudice caused people to become lonely. Society discriminated people because of their race, gender, age and often simply because someone was different, which meant if you black, or too old and weak to be useful or if you were a women on a ranch, you could lead a very lonely life. This affects a number of characters in â€Å"Of Mice and Men†Furthermore, some characters isolate themselves from others. Carlson and Crooks do so, in order to protect themselves from the harshness of life. George and Lennie are two men who travel together trying to save money so that one day they can have their little place where Lennie could pet the rabbits and chickens and they can â€Å"live ‘off the fatta the lan†. To an extent George and Lennie understand each other emotionally but are physically different. George is described as having â€Å"strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose†. Whereas Lennie is the opposite, he is, â€Å"a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws†. Steinbeck often compares Lennie to animals which reinforce the wild uncontrollable side of his character. Lennie is like a child in a man’s body. George gives a lot of care for Lennie so he doesn’t get in any trouble like he did in Weed. People thought Lennie was going to rape a girl. Lennie provides George with company and without Lennie, George would probably be an ordinary lonely isolated worker. George and Lennie have a relationship that is almost like father and son, George the father and Lennie the son. George needs Lennie by his side to keep him motivated but he does not like to admit it as we see in the novel, â€Å"If you don’t want me, I can go off in the hills and find a cave. I can go away any time†. George then replies â€Å"No look! I was just foolin’. Lennie cause I want you to stay with me†. George is much more dominant because he has all the control over Lennie and is much cleverer therefore he would know what to do in difficult situations, but on the other hand George is also lonelier because he looks after Lennie who is simple minded. George does not have a friend who is his intellectual equal and makes him even lonelier. â€Å"God a’ mighty, if I was alone I could live so easily. I could get a job an’ work†. Showing us there is an advantage and disadvantage with George having to look after Lennie. Lennie’s shortcoming leads George and Slim to make friends. George confides in Slim in manor that suggests he has not been able to talk with someone who understands him for some time. Migrant workers had a bad way to make relationships with women who they simply paid for sex and because they worked all day they were too tired to make friends or relationship. They moved from place to place which meant they did not have many possessions, just anything they could carry with them. Whit is a good example of the life of a typical migrant worker. He was lonely and found it hard to make friends or relationships with anyone, but when making friends he sees them as very important as his friend Bill, who he reads about in the magazine. Migrant workers went through that sort of lifestyle because they thought â€Å"The American Dream†was something worth working hard for so everyone did their best to accomplish the dream but as Steinbeck illustrates, many failed due to loneliness, they have no motivation or support from anyone so being lonely does not help at all. Slim thinks, â€Å"Everybody in the whole damn world are scared of one and other†. This might be because there is hardly any communication in the ranch. George and Lennie’s â€Å"Dream†was to own a ranch of their own and Lennie to pet rabbits and feed the chickens. It was the ambition that bought them and kept them together. Candy is an old man who has only his dog left in his life. He is not physically strong like the other men so he is useless in the ranch. He gossips a lot because he wants to make himself seem useful and make friends. He is isolated by the other men because he is old and so is his dog. When Candy wants to go in the bunk house he can not leave his dog outside because he loves it, so he brings it in but the other men kick him out. Carlson says, â€Å"God almighty that dog stinks. Get him outta here, Candy! I don’t know nothing that stinks so bad as an old dog. You gotta get him out!†Candy’s dog gets shot because it is old and worthless to the other men. Steinbeck shows us what life is like in the ranch by the dog. The dog gets shot but life continues. This influences George at the end of the novel, Lennie gets shot but life continues. Candy’s dog is a metaphor for Candy’s life and what might happen to him when he becomes useless. Candy is frightened he will lose his job in the ranch and end up with no money because he is old. He then tries to get involved with George and Lennie’s dream so he does not end up with any money. Lennie talks ambitiously about the dream and Candy says, â€Å"An’ they give me two hundred an’ fifty dollars cause I los’ my hand. An’ I got fifty more saved up right in the bank, right now†. He says he could be useful when they buy yhe place and feed the chickens. The dream makes Candy more confident after his dog had got shot. Curley’s Wife’s death made Candy give up hope on the dream because he knew things were not going to work. This happened before Curley’s wife was killed. As readers we feel sorry for Candy because he has nothing left in his life now. At the time of the novel everyone was prejudice and racist to Crooks because he is black. Crooks works in the â€Å"horse stable†. He is not allowed to step in the bunk house with the other men so he is separated and is forced to sleep in the â€Å"horse stable†with the horses. Crooks is independent, one of the loneliest characters in the novel and keeps to himself. He is bitter to other people because of the way he is treated. He is not used to socializing with others. We notice this when Lennie suddenly appears at â€Å"horse stable†to ask Crooks if he could check on his pup and Crooks replies bitterly, â€Å"Well I got a right to have a light. You go an’ get outta my room. I aint wanted in the bunk house and you aint wanted in my room†. Crooks carries this attitude because of all the racism that went on. He then says, â€Å"Cause I’m black they say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all stink to me†. Lennie tells Crooks about the dream and Crooks starts getting friendlier because he becomes interested on what the dream is about. All of a sudden Curley’s wife steps in and asks for Curley but then ends up talking about Lennie’s dream. Crooks sticks up for himself and tells her to go out of his barn or he will tell the boss to never let her in. Curley’s wife intimidates Crooks saying, â€Å"Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you stung up on a tree so easily it ain’t even funny†. It shows how Curley’s wife made Crooks bitter and all to himself again just when he started to have a bit of faith in people. Curley’s wife is the only women living in the ranch. We never know her name in the novel, she is only described as Curley’s wife and Steinbeck clearly does this to show she is his possession and she does not have any freedom. Because of this she lives a life of loneliness with no friendships with anyone other than Curley. The other women in the novel are Sussy, Clara and Aunt Clara. Susy and Clara both run a whorehouse each but Susy’s whorehouse is more successful. Aunt Clara used to give Lennie mice to pet. And What does this tell us about men and women in that society? Curley’s wife puts make up on and has her hair neat. â€Å"She had full, roughed lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red. Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages. She wore a cotton house dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers†. Steinbeck describes Curley’s wife with the colour red because red is the most emotionally intense colour and the colour of love and blood. It also symbolizes danger which comes at the end of the novel when Lennie kills her. Curley’s wife also stands in a very sexy manner as Steinbeck illustrates she put her hands back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward and she then says, â€Å"You’re the new fellas that just come, ain’t ya?†. The men in the ranch call her different names. Candy says â€Å"Well, I think Curley’s married a tart†. George says, â€Å"Jesus what a tramp†. Whit calls her a â€Å"bitch†. She is a very lonely woman so she acts very sexy towards the other men in order to get attention because she has no friends. Curley imposes her loneliness on her. He doesn’t like her being in the ranch with the other men and so she is lonely because is not entitled to friendship. In the novel the men say she is a tart but I think she is just lonely and wants attention. As readers we feel a lot of sympathy for her. Curley’s wife had a dream too. She says she could have been a star because she met a man in the movie business. â€Å"He says he was gonna put me in the movies, said I was a natural†. She also says â€Å"Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes†, but her mother stole a letter she was expecting so she could be a movie star. She ends up marrying Curley and becomes a woman in a ranch affected by â€Å"loneliness†. Curley’s wife’s death is significant to the other characters because it changes everyone. George knew Curley’s wife’s death was a mistake by Lennie. Lennie got very scared and panicked. Candy was confused and did not know what was going to happen next. Curley wanted revenge. Lennie and Curley’s wife are both very lonely people affected by loneliness because they are both one of a kind, Lennie being simple minded and Curley’s wife being the only woman in the ranch. They are both two people in the novel that can not communicate with any one else well in the novel because no one can understand their unique personalities. Lennie and Curley’s wife find themselves alone right after Lennie killed his pup. Lennie did not want to talk to Curley’s wife because George said, â€Å"she is nothing but trouble†. Eventually they both start talking friendly amongst each other. Curley’s wife shares a secret with Lennie. She tells him something she has not told any one. She says, â€Å"I don’t like Curley. He’s not a nice fella†. We find out that she does not even like Curley so she’s even lonelier then us as readers thought. Lennie tells Curley’s wife he likes to touch and feel velvet and anything that is soft. Curley’s wife lets Lennie stroke her hair because it is soft. Lennie says, â€Å"Oh! That’s nice†. He gets carried away and starts stroking harder. Curley’s wife yells out â€Å"stop†. Lennie panics and covers her mouth and nose with his big hand. He accidentally kills her. Steinbeck shows us that the death of Curley’s wife and Lennie are both due to loneliness. As readers we are affected by their death because we can se what excess of too much loneliness can come to. We also feel very sorry for Curley’s wife because she could have had a much better life being a movie star but ended up in the wrong environment and now, dead. The life she led was unfair. We feel sorry for Lennie because he does not realise what he does and George has no choice but as a good friend, George shot Lennie. George also learnt that its better he shot as a favour of a good friend than to have Curley to kill him with revenge. As soon as George saw Curley’s wife’s body he knew Lennie had committed a big mistake. Candy lost hope in the â€Å"dream†because he knew things were not going to work out, whereas everyone else got their guns and wanted to kill Lennie. Steinbeck shows us that all the characters in â€Å"Of Mice and Men†are affected by loneliness in one way or another. As readers we learn from the novel that loneliness can lead to death. We learn we should not choose to be lonely. We are all alone in this huge universe so companionship should be treasured.
If i was a crayon Essay
If I was a crayon I might be a blue or green one since those are my favorite colors. I would like to be put into a box of sixty-four or more because there would be other crayons to talk with if crayons could talk. As a newborn crayon I probably came from a big blob of hot, melting wax. Then I was rolled and pressed by a machine and then cooled by a freezing mist and wrapped with a makers label. This was a very unflagging process because it was always new. After that I?m shipped out to a main warehouse were crayons are sold to companies like Target. At Target I would imagine being purchased by a young boy around the age bracket of five to six who loved to color and would one day grow up to become a famous artist. I would later be taken to his house and used as a permanent proxy for his other old gaunt crayons. After he was finished playing with me and the other crayons he would diverge his attention away from us and onto the TV. Towards the end of the night the mother would come in and act like a scavenger searching for any lost or hidden crayons under the couch. Sometimes the little boy would play with us after being yelled at and be show much fervent towards us and rub our sharp heads against the paper making us very dull and unusable. I?ve lost many cronies that way and they?ve had a nice, little plummet into the garbage can. I?m sure as a crayon I would live a very scary life because you never know when the time is up. As a crayon I would have very little knowledge of the outside world and what was really going on outside that big tall solid glass window in the living room were I would be used and played with.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Analysis Of Daisy Miller By Henry James English Literature Essay
Analysis Of Daisy Miller By Henry James English Literature Essay In the story Daisy Miller, written by Henry James, James tells a story about a young American lady named Daisy Miller and her family members who are vacationing in Europe. Daisy is vacationing in a new world and is trying to find a way to learn and adapt to her new surroundings. She is trying to fit in with the high class society but due to her lifestyles differences she is not accepted in their world. Based on the story one would assume that the cause of Daisy’s death is consequential; however, there are several given points that suggest it was purely by coincidence and could have happen to anyone. Henry James proves this by the use of characters, setting, and symbolism. The other main character focused is Winterbourne is a â€Å"27-year old expatriate American bachelor†(Collins 1). Winterbourne was raised and received most of his education in Geneva, he is considered to be fairly quiet but highly educated, he understands the European lifestyles but keeps his own opi nion. â€Å"Winterbourne has lost the capacity for love and he has lost the opportunity to come to life.†(Ohmann 3). Daisy is turned off by him because she views him as a person that doesn’t enjoy life. She feels like he would rather study and be serious then actually live his life. Winterbourne has an instant attraction to her innocence and beauty. However, Daisy sees him as being â€Å"stiff and lifeless†(Wardley 4). The chemistry between Winterbourne and Daisy is apparent but because of her flirtatious attitude he feels like it’s just a game to her. Although he is an American, he has the European attitude and shows his self to Daisy. This shows the two worlds that collided; Daisy the American and Winterbourne the European. The setting for the story takes place in Europe. The country is known for its well educated citizens, taste for fine art and respect for social societies. Daisy wants to â€Å"experience in Europe†(Deakin 5). She is amazed at the lifestyles of the high class society and is taken away by the historical buildings and the people. It makes her feel like she is important because she is able to experience such a once in a lifetime opportunity. The culture is â€Å"primitive and refined in a developed taste†(Scheiber 3). The atmosphere in Europe is cool and calm. Only the fanciest and most expensive are for the European society. Many of the people in Europe have parties where people are to dress up in some of their finest clothes and come to gather. At these parties, many just stand around talking among each other while they listen to music and have a few drinks. Many of the people who attend this parties are considered to be high class or rich folks. Daisy attends many of this parties but is often rude because she either leaves early to wander the streets with other gentleman or she spends all her time talking to people who are not considered to be fairly important.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Fashion analysis of louis vuitton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fashion analysis of louis vuitton - Essay Example The purpose of the paper "Fashion analysis of louis vuitton" is to analyse Louis Vuitton’s high fashion collections for Autumn Winter 2009 (AW09) and Spring Summer 2010 (SS10) and to investigate the supply chain and production processes of the company. Besides advertising through celebrity endorsement and sports sponsorship, Louis Vuitton’s success is attributed to the control it maintains over all its operations from creative design to distribution. This ensures not only a commitment to quality (New York Magazine 1985), but also its high operating margins of around 45 percent as compared to those of its closest competitors. Marc Jacobs is Louis Vuitton’s high profile designer. Summer 2010 (SS10) collections depicted designer Marc Jacobs’ blending of various influences. Olde world appeal was combined with â€Å"a little bit of French fancy, a sprinkling of 80s bad taste and a Playboy bunny†look . The fabrics used were mainly cashmere, wool, silk, s atin, lame velvet, fox fur, taffeta, embroidered panne velvet, re-embroidered printed fabrics, leather and diaphanous tulle. In Figure 1. above, the mixed influences are clearly visible, and the clothes range from the â€Å"sublimely wearable†to the â€Å"gorgeously unusual to the not so delightfully strange†. The collection is divided into groups based on different colours. The black apparel were most appealing, and the touches of colour at the sashes added to the beauty of the dresses. The oversized shoulders lent an unusual but attractive look.
Monday, August 12, 2019
State Education Standards (my state is Florida) Essay
State Education Standards (my state is Florida) - Essay Example The standards that have been mentioned in each of the documents are logical, realistic and attainable. For student achievement standards the bureau of student development has provided a thorough analysis of the standard. The best part that makes the state department’s claim commendable is the practicality of the standards it expects of its students. A detail report in the stream of Language Art shows how scientifically and strategically the standards are fixed for each grade. Specific requirements of standard for each grade are mentioned like â€Å"Grades 11-12: Reading----Standards/Benchmark†. As the document is in the form of a table based on class grades one can easily navigate through it. Standards seem to be listed as objectives though it is not mentioned specifically. The performance standard of teachers is mentioned in detail. Florida stresses on recruitment of teachers with the skill and resource of teaching non-English speaking students. The requirements in terms of teaching standard are described distinctly especially for ESOL teachers. The document is presented in point form and the objectives are mentioned in specific terms. As there are no sub-headings and as the analysis is content based navigation becomes a little cumbersome to reach a specific detail. The document of the national standards of education of the state of Florida is comprehensive and inclusive of all the different departments of education. It provides a concise but complete view of the standards fixed for each of the different branches. The document presents the content in a very systematic pattern in bullet points with headings and sub-headings for each point. Adopting this technical approach has not only made the document to the point but has also made it easy for one to navigate through it for related points or links. There are no specifications of the standards being regarded as objectives but it seems so in
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