Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Infertility, Insulin Resistance, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome...
Polycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder that affects at least 10% of women living in the United States. Insulin Resistance plays a large part in fertility for women who have polycystic ovary syndrome. Myo-Inositol improves fertility, and alleviates many of the symptoms associated with polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that affects many different parts of the body, not just the ovaries. The list of ailments associated with polycystic ovary syndrome is long, ranging from skin tags, dark skin patches, and hirsutism (male patterned hair growth) to liver disease, obesity, and insulin resistance. The symptoms that contribute to infertility are irregular menstrual cycles, an†¦show more content†¦Radiologic abnormalities on an ultrasound would show polycystic ovaries. Polycystic ovaries are the formation of clusters of pearl-sized cysts containing immature eggs in the ovaries. In healthy women, a follicle grows and at the time of ovulation, an egg is released into the Fallopian tube. In women with polycystic ovary syndrome, the development of the follicle is arrested and the egg does not burst forth. Therefore, the egg dies and the follicle becomes a cyst that remains in the ovary (Banning 635-636). A clinical feature of polycystic ovary syndrome is anovulation. Anovulation is the absence of ovulation. Ovulation is the process in which the ovary releases an egg into the Fallopian tube. If an egg is not present to meet the sperm in the Fallopian tube, then conception cannot take place. If a woman is not ovulating then she is not able to conceive. Therefore, anovulation is the most common cause of infertility (Raffone, Rizzo and Benedetto 275). Anovulation is a symptom of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when the body’s cells do not respond to insulin. When this happens the level of glucose in the blood increases. Insulin resistance may also cause more insulin to be produced as the body tries to move glucose into cells (Sedwick 1). High insulin levels may cause the appetite to increase and lead to imbalances in other hormones. Insulin resistance is considered an early form of diabetes. Insulin Resistance affects both men andShow MoreRelatedPolycystic Ovary Syndrome2477 Words  | 10 PagesPolycystic ovary syndrome is an endocrine disorder that affects at least 10% of women living in the United States. Insulin Resistance plays a large part in fertility for women who have polycystic ovary syndrome. Myo-Inositol improves fertility, and alleviates many of the symptoms associated with polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance. Case findings of women with polycystic ovary syndrome were first documented in 1935 by American gynecologists Irving F. Stein, Sr., and Michael L. LeventhalRead MoreA Brief Article On Ovary Syndrome ( Pcos )1654 Words  | 7 PagesPolycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) By Navodita Maurice | Submitted On September 01, 2011 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon 1 Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Navodita Maurice The endocrine disorders among females are of various
Monday, December 16, 2019
Cross-cultural Essay Samples - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt
Cross-cultural Essay Samples - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesn't Cross-cultural Essay Samples Secrets That No One Else Knows About Specifically, the part of language, education and training will be set. Lesson Summary Cross-cultural communication is a must for virtually any company which has a diverse workforce or plans on conducting international company. Aspects like the tone variation, pronunciation ought to be taken under consideration. Not just that the role of the HRM also include instituting reward and payment systems, assessment regarding the performance of unique employees and respective initiatives to align the growth of employees to corporate strategies. Understanding cross-cultural communication is essential for any company which has a diverse workforce or plans on conducting worldwide company. On the flip side, power of the web and wireless digital technologies offer local businesses and indigenous cultural values with unprecedented international exposure. It is essential that we are conversant with our students demographic, and social financial backgrounds. Diversity helps to receive a better comprehension of buyers. Workplace diversity has for a long time been a considerable issue for many businesses and organizations. Diversity of consumers can't be ignored because of the globalization and other changes that occur on earth. The Key to Successful Cross-cultural Essay Samples Essay writing is usually practiced is schools. To get started writing your assignment you would want to encounter an interesting and promising topic. Writing an essay is a critical role in academe life. Writing a satisfactory and readable essay is something that everybody would like to achieve. The price generally fluctuates based on the essay type. You can readily locate essay writing services which could write for you at cheap prices. Disadvantages of selecting a low-cost essay service Quality If you're opting for cheaper service, bear in mind that it might not be up to the mark. Summary Hiring a low-cost essay service may be a right pick for students at one time crunch. Hopefully, the discussions along with the essay examples presented above have enlightened you so that you are now able to begin making your own essay. Alongside the topics, you'd discover loads of papers free of charge. You don't necessarily understand how you feel regarding a particular subject or topic and you allow research together with your own direction to learn the outline. Cross-cultural psychology differs from several other subfields of psychology. There's no ideal solution about how to compose an effective essay. Still, every one of them would show up in the overall list. Pros of selecting an affordable essay service Availability Everywhere online, you can get one or other essay services. Contrary to other objective essays it not only provides the huge picture but in addition provides the inside specifics of the situation. Independent consultants, found that cross-cultural practice advisory small business demand increased a great deal at least 10 decades ago and it's a lucrative field. Consumers generally have an attitude when it has to do with a specific product being made in a specific nation. The Quantitative and Qualitative Methods When psychologists are conducting any sort of research, they need to select a suitable method. Cultural psychology is understood to be the branch of psychology that manages the connection between culture and mind. It knows human drive cannot be explained by factors such as genetic predisposition.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
London city - Capital of the United Kingdom free essay sample
# 1057 ; ity, capital of the United Kingdom and the Centre of the Commonwealth. It lies astride the River Thames in southeasterly England, 50 stat mis ( 80 kilometer ) from the river s estuary on the North Sea. The metropolis was one time the industrial, commercial, and political hub of a wealthy and extended imperium ; it continues to be the United Kingdom s chief Centre of population, commercialism, and civilization. A brief intervention of London follows. For full intervention ( including a map ) , see London. The chalk basin within which London is built is filled with younger deposits including solid stone, littorals, clays, terraced pebble crushed rocks, and Thames alluvial sediment. The clime within the basin is comparatively mild, with January to July average temperatures runing from 37.4 to 72.5 F ( 3 to 22.5 C ) ; rainfall sums to 21 inches ( 533 millimeter ) a twelvemonth. Founded by the Romans as Londinium in the first century AD, the town experienced enormous growing in trade and population during the late 16th and early seventeenth centuries. Extensive edifice undertakings were initiated after the Great Fire of 1666, and London became the dominant Centre non merely of the state but of its spread outing imperium. During the nineteenth century, the jobs caused by rapid industrialisation, such as pollution and disease, were easy remedied through progresss in public wellness and other services. Heavy harm from aerial bombardments during World War II brought the greatest reverse in the history of modern London. Reconstruction and new development restored much of the metropolis s magnificence, and resettlement of fabrication and transportation outside the metropolis shrank its population and hastened its passage to a Centre of international trade and finance. Tourism and retail trade are other major sectors of the metropolis s economic system ; and, because London is the state s capital, authorities services are besides an of import sector. The City of London, about 1 square stat mi ( 2.7 square kilometer ) in country, is the nucleus of an country called Inner, or Central, London, which contains the City of London and 13 of the 33 boroughs of Greater London. The cardinal point in the City of London is an unfastened infinite from which eight streets radiate. On the southern side is Mansion House, abode of the lord city manager of London. Lombard Street, the traditional banking street, is nearby, as are the Bank of England central offices, the Royal Exchange, and the Stock Exchange. To the E is the fortress-castle known as the Tower of London, whose nucleus day of the months from the late eleventh century and is surrounded by buildings from many periods of English architecture. To the West lie the Inns of Court, longtime Chamberss and offices of barristers and lawyers-in-training, and the Royal Courts of Justice, or Law Courts. The City of London and the City of Westminster are linked by the Strand, an avenue upon which a re located two of London s oldest churches, St. Clement Dane s and St. Mary-le-Strand. The City of Westminste R, which stretches along the River Thames, is one of the state s wealthiest boroughs and is famed for its committedness to historic redevelopment. It includes Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, the chief authorities offices, of import shopping territories, New Scotland Yard, luxury hotels, the Tate Gallery, and the National Gallery. Retail shopping countries are concentrated around Oxford Street. Kensington High Street and Knightsbridge are besides major shopping territories. The stores spread west and south toward King s Road in Chelsea. London s East End, incorporating vicinities such as Aldgate and Whitechapel, now constitutes the borough of Tower Hamlets. The country is historically associated with the Cockney idiom and became an ill-famed slum during the nineteenth century. The East End was the most to a great extent bombed country of London during World War II and later benefited from extended rehabilitation. Parks, gardens, and Gods acres abound in Inner London. The most famed parklands are the six royal Parkss that sweep through London s West End: St. James s Park, oldest of the six cardinal royal Parkss, bordered on the North by the half-mile-long Mall that terminates at the Queen Victoria Memorial ; Buckingham Palace Gardens, bordered on the E by the royal abode ; Green Park, plainest of the royal Parkss but fringed on the E by munificent, once-private edifices ; Hyde Park, with its celebrated Speakers Corner for soapbox speechmakers ; the more elegant Kensington Gardens, with the Victorian Gothic Albert Memorial and an 80-acre ( 32-hectare ) cultural Centre ; and Regent s Park, place of the Zoological Gardens and Regent s ( Grand Union ) Canal. Squares and diversely molded parks are outstanding characteristics of London s landscape. Of note are Grosvenor Square, site of the F.D. Roosevelt Memorial, and Trafalgar Square, which features a statue of Lord Nelson, hero of the Battle of Trafalgar ( 1805 ) ; the National Gallery borders the square. London s other major cultural establishments include the British Museum, which houses aggregations of antiquities, prints, and manuscripts and the national library ; the Victoria and Albert Museum of cosmetic humanistic disciplines ; and the music and humanistic disciplines complex located on the South Bank of the Thames, begun in 1951 for the Festival of Britain. The development of the metropolis s outlying countries was promoted by the gap of the universe s first electric resistance railroad in 1890. Major roads and rail lines radiate in all waies. Dock activity and river traffic are controlled by the Port of London Authority. The London ( Heathrow ) International Airport is located in the western ranges of Greater London. Area City, 1 square stat mi ( 2.7 square kilometer ) ; Inner London, 124 square stat mis ( 321 square kilometer ) ; Greater London, 610 square stat mis ( 1,579 square kilometer ) . Pop. ( 1992 est. ) City, 3,900 ; Inner London, 2,632,100 ; Greater London, 6,904,600.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Miscegenation free essay sample
As an African-American child growing up in a single-mother household, in a predominately white neighborhood, it was important to my family that they lay a foundation of cultural pride for me. My mother and grandmother (whom lived with us) were very subtle in providing this education through codes in the form of Afro-American cultural phenomena of their respective eras (from James Brown to Roots the television mini-series starring Alex Haley). The other woman whom I contribute my raising was my Aunt, born, raised, and living in a black neighborhoodâ€â€whose biggest fear was that I grow up to marry a white woman. She instilled in me a miscegenetic ideology through less subtle means. Her favorite catchphrase was â€Å"if she can’t use your comb, then don’t bring her home. †This poetically prejudice statement is a reference to the different textures of black hair, which has more body (versus other ethnicitiesâ€â€particularly white) and generally requires a bristled brush. We will write a custom essay sample on Miscegenation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Thus, my aunt was saying that I should only bring home someone with the same physical ethnic features as me (aka a black women). My Mom and aunt were born in the early 60’s in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement. The 60’s were a time when the term â€Å"miscegenation†was on the tip of everyone’s tongue as it was controversially ruled â€Å"unconstitutional†by The Supreme Court in 1967. I wondered if growing up in this era shaped my Mom and Aunt’s view of black and white relations. In that era, was mixed marriage a matter of pride or prejudice? In exploring this question I chose to perform an analysis of trends related to interracial relations and miscegenation (pre-abolishment) through the New York Times. Comparing and contrasting a period of time well before the Civil Rights Movement (1908-1913) and one well within the Civil Rights Movement (1960-1965) provides fascinating insight on the influences and development of race theory in the United States, particularly in the use of racial propaganda, dueling racial paradigms, and the impact of social conditions on the church’s stance. One of the most blaring trends in both eras is the use of propaganda to introduce provocative perspective on mixed race relations. The most popular medium for such perspective was the theatre. In 1913, theatre critic William Winter made headlines for denouncing the â€Å"new theatre†which incorporated such taboo subjects as homosexuality, adultery, and religion. In this article, Winter points out the â€Å"degeneracy†of every current play grappling with what he considers â€Å"vile ideas disguised as dramatic art†, which ends up being quite the lengthy blacklist. Winter saves his most scathing criticisms for the play â€Å"The Nigger†of which he describes as â€Å"crude, pointless, tainted†¦a tissue of impertinent prattle about the terrible subject of miscegenation. Winter becomes most offended by an interracial relationship that he leaves the reader to assume has him all â€Å"hot and bothered. †He describes the relationship as â€Å"the struggle between ‘nigger’ and white woman†and calls it â€Å"one of the most revolting scenes that have been acted on any stage or before any audience. †Ironically, there are no brown people in this play. Winter lashes out at the mere allusion of an interracial relationship. The plot revolves around a Southern aristocrat who is encouraged to run for governor by another political figure. During the aristocrat’s tenure he signs a bill that puts the latter mentioned political figure out of business who then retaliates with allegations that the governor has â€Å"negro ancestry†which forces him to resign and leave his girlfriend, to her devastation. By 1964, theatre was the sole means of propaganda ushered in by World War II and the Cold War. Cultural commentary on interracial romance was no longer subtlety. Gone were the days of allusions of mixed relations among all-white casts. As indicated by journalist Lewis Funke, certain African-American actors and actresses became brown poster-children of cross-cultural popularity. This popularity became a platform for the palatability of anti-miscegenation to both white and Afro-American audiences. Though strides had been made with actors like Sammy Davis Jr. and James Earl Jones, lesser known actors and actresses awoke the sting of reality: the dominant southern white-supremist ideology. Funke uses Paula Wayne as an example, stating that her appearance in â€Å"Golden Boy†â€Å"opposite a negro†hasn’t been â€Å"without percussions†and resulted in hate mail laced with obscene language. Given the strides American theatre made with pieces that questioned the color line of love, it was the silver screen’s turn. Also in 1964, director Larry Peerce created the interracial drama â€Å"One Potato, Two Potato†about a â€Å"negro†who marries a white woman with a white daughter from a previous marriage. This film was celebrated as â€Å"groundbreaking†for daring to depict the â€Å"traumatic effects of interracial marriage†and doing so with â€Å"fine taste†¦and artistry†â€â€a little too much taste and artistry. Weiler goes on to scorn the film for being unrealistic, seeming to contrive bigotry through the wife’s first husband coming back to the US from South America for custody of their daughter and succeeds. Though film was a critical tool in promoting anti-miscegenation, it wouldn’t exist without a propaganda movement that was so potent and instrumental that it attracted media attention all over the nation for years. The Cosmopolitan Society of Greater New York was developed in about 1906 under the premise of getting like-minded whites and African-Americans together to discuss solutions to the race problem in the US. In 1908, the society decided to hold a dinner forum for the purposes of â€Å"exchanging ideas on how best to help forward the colored people. The dinner was comprised of African-American and white guests and society members. The forum boasted speeches from scholars to clergymen on the topics of racial equality and interracial marriage. Though a journalist or passionate citizen eventually referenced most of the speeches, it was Hamilton Holt whose words elicited an immediate and overwhelming response. In his speech, Holt spoke of four ways to deal with the race problem in America: extermination, deportation, assimilation, and education. He went on to remark that extermination and deportation were not options, but wasn’t so quick to denounce assimilation. He stated that, â€Å"[intermarriage] if between white men and colored women and not between colored men and white women, would bleach the race. †He went on to claim that he â€Å"rejected it as a proper solution†but he entertained it as a solution nonetheless. Intentional or not, his entertaining of the idea of assimilation became the foundation for national media reaction and the unofficial theme of the entire event. The heated reactions to the dinner forum were just as diverse as the crowed that attended. The first response set the tone and dubbed the forum the â€Å"black and white dinner. †The article compared African-Americans to a contagious disease whose germs surely infected the whites they ate with. Furthermore, the writer viewed the event as a â€Å"socialist†waste of time. Another standout editorial came from Virginia’s Richmond Times-Dispatch calling the event â€Å"folly and degradation of a lot of soft-headed visionaries and socialistic diletantes. Maryland’s Baltimore Sun called the event â€Å"demoralizing and dangerous†¦and compels more serious consideration of the subject [social equality and mixed marriages] than might otherwise be necessary. †The most compelling of the responses came from a perspective different from the typical early 20th century fear of socialism and social order. It was from the perspective of an African-American woman in a letter to the editor. In her letter she expressed her gross opposition to the dinner and the speeches for their promotion of interracial marriage. She viewed interracial marriage as an attack on African-American cultural pride, stating, I consider an insult has been offered to every thinking woman of my race who has the good and betterment of her people at heart†¦I maintain that every true negro wishes not to have a bleached race but to have a race of black and women, who will vindicate their own manhood and womanhood and work out their own salvation Assimilation wasn’t an outrageous view of the time. A few years later, an African-American anthropologist from Clark University in Atlanta, Georgia, made the New York Times for his support of African-American â€Å"bleaching. He found it â€Å"absurd†that so much of society revolves around the â€Å"perpetual segregation of the negro†when humans were meant to evolve into one single human race. He goes on to call biracial people as â€Å"the gift to human civilization. †The anthropologist is a clear example of racial paradigm of the early 20th century viewing race as a scientific construct. The whole concept of the assimilation of the African-American plays into the idea of the US melting pot metaphor used later in globalization propaganda that was popular at the time. The metaphor references the concept that the United States is a fusion of diversity: different nationalities, cultures, and ethnicities. With the fusion of all of these identifiers it creates platform for the scientists to define race by genetics. One author of a New York Times article felt so strongly about the link between science and race that it was suggested that no â€Å"negro†be allowed to marry a white person without a State Eugenics Board Certificate, but only if the non-white party is less than half and â€Å"not less than 1/8 part negro blood. Such complicated measures of defining race by ratios only caused paranoia of accidentally getting involved with someone of another race. One humorous announcement on the front page of the New York Times reinforced that paranoia with a column entitled â€Å"Not Afraid of Negro Taint. †The blurb highlighted the engagement of Blanche Clamorgan, a white woman to a white car dealer, despite her sister being sued for an annulment of her marriage to her husband on the grounds that she is â€Å"tainted†with â€Å"negro†ancestry. There was strong opposition to the science theory of race. One letter to the editor discredited the Clark University professor claiming a lack of scientific support for the evolution argument and reminds readers that an anthropologist is not a scientist. He also discredited the professor for his lack of experience, claiming that he can’t accurately be an authority for the race problem born and raised â€Å"free†being from Mas sachusetts. He closes his comments indicating the significance of skin tone within defining race, â€Å"the ‘black nigger’ is proud of his color and holds the ‘yellow nigger’ in contempt. †The writer’s opinion becomes more popular by the 1960’s indicating the start of a paradigm shift from race as a scientific construct towards race as a sociological construct. A lot of articles were appearing that highlight the harsh societal realities of skin color. Stories told are founded on the fact that race prospers by the society that perpetuates it, not so much by science. Racial intermarriage laws were a popular example of this in the 60’s, and how some states, such as Florida, focus on cohabitation for fear of by not doing so the state government was promoting â€Å"’negro-white’ intermarriage. †Further support for the developing social construct of race can be seen in the sociological theory that â€Å"white guilt†and â€Å"negro revenge are at the center of interracial problems. These numerous cultural barriers left some African-Americans feeling like colorblind love isn’t worth the hassle. A poll was taken in the mid-1960’s that surveyed 729 African-American families and 839 white families about miscegenation. The poll concluded that no African-American participants would encourage their child to marry white, and even then, only have of them would tolerate it. Though interracial marriage seemed to be on the decline everywhere else, the complete opposite was happening in New York. The New York Times dedicated an entire front page spread to interracial couples whose marriages have stood the test of time. In much of the article, couples spoke about the rise of subtle discrimination from both whites and African-Americans, and how color plays a defining role in their marriages. One couple speaks of the â€Å"theory of skin tone†stating that, â€Å"strangers both ‘negro’ and white almost actively seek a reason not to be prejudiced against interracial couples†¦sometimes†¦there is reason enough if the negro partner’s skin is light or†¦exceedingly well-dressed. †Skin color even becomes a variable when seeking a marriage at the Municipal Building. In order to obtain the license the each couple must identify themselves as a color. The color options are black, brown, yellow, white, and red. One must interestingly note that three months prior to the article written highlighting interracial couples, another one written announcing the US Air Force’s indefinite suspension of an identical color system troops were forced to use to identify spouses prior to deployment. Marriage licenses were also a significant topic of discourse in the early 20th century. One could find several announcements involving interracial couples gaining and being denied marriage licenses between the years of 1908 and 1913. There was one that stood out from May of 1908 involving a â€Å"colored†student from Jamaica and a â€Å"white girl†obtaining a marriage license. It went on to describe how both the groom and bride-to-be were â€Å"devout Catholics. †A Catholic Bishop was asked to make a statement, which included, â€Å"the church had no power to refuse to countenance a marriage between a â€Å"negro†and a white woman. †Unfortunately for many other religions, it isn’t so simple. The idea of shifting religious observances with the ever-turbulent social conditions of the United States can be an uphill battle. Congregations and religious leaders often have to pressure the folks in power, meaning one has to go through a time consuming chain of command before making any progress. The bright side of the latter is that it periodically resulted in clever manifestations of artistic demonstration, like the New Brady play of 1912 about mixed marriage from a Jewish perspective. The uphill battle of religion and interracial marriage remained true in the 1960’s. Though Catholics continued to â€Å"walk the talk†and be examples to other churches and religions, others continued to struggle through politics and due process.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Women in Frances Harper Iola Leroy, or Shadows Uplifted essays
Women in Frances Harper Iola Leroy, or Shadows Uplifted essays In the times of slavery, there were two popular stereotypes of a black female the loyal mammy and the promiscuous temptress. The former represented an adamantine, kind, unattractive, and sexless woman and it justified abusive treatment of black women on the grounds that they were impervious to pain. The latter, similarly, justified the exploitation of black women, as they were often victims of interracial coercive sex, brutality, and rape. Writings of Frances Ellen Harper are a response to such unfair historical images as she presents female characters of outstanding features of character courageous, trustworthy, devoted, virtuous, and moderate. Central to Harpers writings is her outrage at womans victimization and (...) notion that black women must resist such victimization whenever possible. In her novel Iola Leroy she introduces a variety of black and white female characters (with Iola as the protagonist) in order to present feminist issues that were an essential part of her political and social activities. Literary critics have often derided the novel for its seeming historical amnesia, myopia, and racial and sexual restraint. Iola Leroy has been neglected as a sentimental novel and, as such, was labeled also by Afro-American writers and critics - as not sufficiently authentic and aimed at readers outside the black community. However, the development of Afro-American studies and growing interest in black women writings and history allowed for the reformulation of such unflattering opinions. Obviously, Frances Harper uses the conventions of nineteenth-century womens fiction with Iola as a sentimental heroine. As Hazel V. Carby writes in her introduction to the novel, referring to Nina Bayms study of womens novels: a romance is a tale of a young woman, deprived of all support, who has to win ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Battle of Biography of Charles Martel, Frankish Ruler
Battle of Biography of Charles Martel, Frankish Ruler Charles Martel (August 23, 686 CE–October 22, 741 CE) was the leader of the Frankish army and, effectively, the ruler of the Frankish kingdom, or Francia (present-day Germany and France). He is known for winning the Battle of Tours in 732 CE and turning back the Muslim invasions of Europe. He is the grandfather of Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor. Fast Facts: Charles Martel Known For: Ruler of the Frankish kingdom, known for winning the Battle of Tours and turning back the Muslim invasions of EuropeAlso Known As: Carolus Martellus, Karl Martell, Martel (or the Hammer)Born: August 23, 686 CEParents: Pippin the Middle and AlpaidaDied: October 22, 741 CESpouse(s): Rotrude of Treves, Swanhild; mistress, RuodhaidChildren: Hiltrud, Carloman, Landrade, Auda, Pippin the Younger, Grifo, Bernard, Hieronymus, Remigius, and Ian Early Life Charles Martel (August 23, 686–October 22, 741) was the son of Pippin the Middle and his second wife, Alpaida. Pippin was the mayor of the palace to the King of the Franks and essentially ruled Francia (France and Germany today) in his place. Shortly before Pippins death in 714, his first wife, Plectrude, convinced him to disinherit his other children in favor of his 8-year-old grandson Theudoald. This move angered the Frankish nobility and, following Pippins death, Plectrude tried to prevent Charles from becoming a rallying point for their discontent and imprisoned the 28-year-old in Cologne. Rise to Power and Reign By the end of 715, Charles had escaped from captivity and found support among the Austrasians who comprised one of the Frankish kingdoms. Over the next three years, Charles conducted a civil war against King Chilperic and the Mayor of the Palace of Neustria, Ragenfrid. Charles suffered a setback at Cologne (716) before winning key victories at Ambleve (716) and Vincy (717). After taking time to secure his borders, Charles won a decisive victory at Soissons over Chilperic and the Duke of Aquitaine, Odo the Great, in 718. Triumphant, Charles was able to gain recognition for his titles as mayor of the palace and duke and prince of the Franks. Over the next five years, he consolidated power as well as conquered Bavaria and Alemmania before defeating the Saxons. With the Frankish lands secured, Charles next began to prepare for an anticipated attack from the Muslim Umayyads to the south. Family Charles married Rotrude of Treves with whom he had five children before her death in 724. These were Hiltrud, Carloman, Landrade, Auda, and Pippin the Younger. Following Rotrudes death, Charles married Swanhild, with whom he had a son Grifo. In addition to his two wives, Charles had an ongoing affair with his mistress Ruodhaid. Their relationship produced four children, Bernard, Hieronymus, Remigius, and Ian. Facing the Umayyads In 721, the Muslim Umayyads first came north and were defeated by Odo at the Battle of Toulouse. Having assessed the situation in Iberia and the Umayyad attack on Aquitaine, Charles came to believe that a professional army, rather than raw conscripts, was needed to defend the realm from invasion. To raise the money necessary to build and train an army that could withstand the Muslim horsemen, Charles began seizing Church lands, earning the ire of the religious community. In 732, the Umayyads moved north again, led by Emir Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi. Commanding approximately 80,000 men, he plundered Aquitaine. As Abdul Rahman sacked Aquitaine, Odo fled north to seek aid from Charles. This was granted in exchange for Odo recognizing Charles as his overlord. Mobilizing his army, Charles moved to intercept the Umayyads. Battle of Tours In order to avoid detection and allow Charles to select the battlefield, the approximately 30,000 Frankish troops moved over secondary roads toward the town of Tours. For the battle, Charles selected a high, wooded plain which would force the Umayyad cavalry to charge uphill. Forming a large square, his men surprised Abdul Rahman, forcing the Umayyad emir to pause for a week to consider his options. On the seventh day, after gathering all of his forces, Abdul Rahman attacked with his Berber and Arab cavalry. In one of the few instances where medieval infantry stood up to cavalry, Charles troops defeated repeated Umayyad attacks. As the battle raged, the Umayyads finally broke through the Frankish lines and attempted to kill Charles. He was promptly surrounded by his personal guard, who repulsed the attack. As this was occurring, scouts that Charles had sent out earlier were infiltrating the Umayyad camp and freeing prisoners. Victory Believing that the plunder of the campaign was being stolen, a large part of the Umayyad army broke off the battle and raced to protect their camp. While attempting to stop the apparent retreat, Abdul Rahman was surrounded and killed by Frankish troops. Briefly pursued by the Franks, the Umayyad withdrawal turned into a full retreat. Charles reformed his troops expecting another attack, but to his surprise, it never came as the Umayyads continued their retreat all the way to Iberia. Charles victory at the Battle of Tours was later credited for saving Western Europe from the Muslim invasions and was a turning point in European history. Expanding the Empire After spending the next three years securing his eastern borders in Bavaria and Alemannia, Charles moved south to fend off an Umayyad naval invasion in Provence. In 736, he led his forces in reclaiming Montfrin, Avignon, Arles, and Aix-en-Provence. These campaigns marked the first time he integrated heavy cavalry with stirrups into his formations. Though he won a string of victories, Charles elected not to attack Narbonne due to the strength of its defenses and the casualties that would be incurred during any assault. As the campaigning concluded, King Theuderic IV died. Though he had the power to appoint a new King of the Franks, Charles did not do so and left the throne vacant rather than claim it for himself. From 737 until his death in 741, Charles focused on the administration of his realm and expanding his influence. This included subduing Burgundy in 739. These years also saw Charles lay the groundwork for his heirs succession following his death. Death Charles Martel died on October 22, 741. His lands were divided between his sons Carloman and Pippin III. The latter would father the next great Carolingian leader, Charlemagne. Charles remains were interred at the Basilica of St. Denis near Paris. Legacy Charles Martel reunited and ruled the entire Frankish realm. His victory at Tours is credited with turning back the Muslim invasion of Europe, a major turning point in European history. Martel was the grandfather of Charlemagne, who became the first Roman Emperor since the fall of the Roman Empire. Sources Fouracre, Paul. The Age of Charles Martel. Routledge, 2000.Johnson, Diana M. Pepins Bastard: The Story of Charles Martel. Superior Book Publishing Co., 1999Mckitterick, Rosamond. Charlemagne: The Formation of a European Identity. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marketing project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Marketing project - Assignment Example Finally, customers can also be attended to on voice over internet protocol technologies like Skype and through telephones. Blackberry plans to get financing from an external third party amount to $10,000.00. This amount will be for commencing work on the development of the product that will entail promoting sales, partly on relations about the public selling, sales promotion and advertising. The starting capital was raised by the co-owners of the company Ronald Greens and Black Givens, in the amounts of $ 25,000.00And $1 0, 000.00 respectively. The blackberry will exist as a limited liability company. The liabilities and shares of the owners will be done according to the values of their individual contribution. The finance acquired through this business will allow Blackberry to open successfully and operate as a computer company. A cozy surroundings will be made available for customers with a casual atmosphere. Operations in year one will generate Blackberry a consistent customer pla tform that will allow it to be self-sufficient in the following year. Most importantly Blackberry will invest in the latest technology so as to diversify how its customers acquire its products including deployment in the cloud. A focus also will be directed especially to the students. A study conducted by Blackberry revealed that 85% of students had difficulties in monitoring their daily schedules. Consequently, this creates a need that Blackberry comes in to fill. The region already has many students with Chabot community colleges offering quite an enormous number. Blackberry is facing the opportunity of being the latest entrant in this field and providing serves the needs of various mobile platforms. The consistent popularity of entertainment services, unique, upscale, innovative and friendly mobile applications has been proven a winning concept to produce the same results for Blackberry. The primary and core product that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Device Hardening and Secure Network Design Term Paper
Device Hardening and Secure Network Design - Term Paper Example Bragg, Rhodes-Ousley, & Strassberg (2009) stated that routers have the capability to carry out IP packet check and filter. Access control lists (ACLs) could be configured to authorize or refute UDP and TCP network traffic. These factors are foundational upon the destination or source address, or together, and on the UDP or TCP port numbers enclosed in a packet. Additionally, the firewalls are implemented for additional in-depth examination; tactically positioned router ACLs thus they augment network security. For instance, access control lists could be employed on border routers to drop visibly not needed traffic, eliminating the burden from the border firewalls. Access control lists can as well be employed on WAN links to drop broadcast and additional needless traffic (Bragg, Rhodes-Ousley, & Strassberg, 2009). Servers are intended to bring data in a protected and dependable style for web-based users. Thus, they need to make sure that data confidentiality, integrity, and accessibility are maintained. However, one of the main steps to attain this guarantee is to make sure that the servers are maintained and installed in a way that they could stop illegal access, illegal utilization, and disturbances in service. Additionally, the reason for establishing the server hardening policy is to express the requirements for installing a new server in a secure fashion and maintaining the security integrity of the server and application software. In addition, the server hardening process offers the comprehensive information necessary to harden a server as well as have to be applied for UTEP IT official approval. A number of the wide-ranging steps incorporated in the server hardening process contain (Microsoft Press, 2005). At present, network security has become the most important subject of discussion. Additionally, there are many networking security management and handling measures are available. Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Juvenile delinquent Essay Example for Free
Juvenile delinquent Essay In todays society more and more juvenile delinquents are being charged as adults in the court systems. The youth are being condemned by a society that allows fear to control its decisions. In the film Juvies narrated by actor Mark Wahlberg, a former juvenile offender, the lives of a group of young kids who are sentenced for many years or life are told. Throughout the film the group explains why they did what they did and how they wished they could have done it differently. One of the kids, a fourteen year old by the name of Anait, was sentenced for seven years. She had driven a group of boys to a high school where they then fought and killed another boy. Anait was charged with accessory to murder because she was the one that was driving the car. Another kid by the name of Duc was sentenced for 35 years, at the age of 16. He had no prior record, wasn’t a gang member but he was affiliated with a gang. He had driven a car that took part in a shooting, and even though no one was injured he was still found guilty. I feel, as do many others, that our court system has become much too harsh when it comes to punishing the youth. There is a difference when being tough on crime and giving kids punishments that do not fit the crime. More and more of today’s youth are being sent to adult prisons where they cannot be protected. In a juvenile prison, kids are given second chances. There they learn to right their ways and are sent back out in society where hopefully they will become responsible adults. In adult prisons however, its survival of the fittest. There is no protection for those kids and no one to guide them on the right path. Statistics show that kids sentenced to adult prisons are more likely to end up back behind bars within five years of being released or committing suicide. The media plays a big part in condemning these children. The media has demonized them and the crimes that they commit. Court systems have started to charge more for what could have happened rather than what did happen. Duc is an example of this. He was charged for a crime that wasn’t committed but could have been. Children should not be tried as adults because they cannot think as adults do. Science shows that a person’s brain is not fully developed until their early twenties. The cortex is still developing and this is the part of the brain that controls emotions and impulse. This is why children are more likely to get hotheaded more easily than if they were adults. If a child is not taught how to control his/her emotions than when they become adults these emotions will become harder to manage. Charging young children as adults does more harm than good. Some people feel that if you are going to commit crimes of an adult than you should be charged as an adult. However, a child does not think like an adult nor do they know how to relieve their emotions is a healthy non destructive way. People like Gregory Boyle, Geoffrey Canada, and Aaron Kipnis want to help these kids rather than convict them for the rest of their lives. Children need guidance from responsible adults, especially men. Many boys end up in prison because they never had a dependable male role model in their lives. They don’t feel wanted or accepted, so they find it by other means. They look to gangs to feel like they belong somewhere. There are other approaches that do not involve scaring kids with the threat of prison or punishing them for years. One of these approaches is restorative justice. Offenders are forced to take responsibility for what they have done. Not only do they have to confront their issues but they also get help. Another approach is guiding boys on the pathway to becoming a man. These are just some ways in which to save these boys from destroying their lives. There are so many children, both boys and girls that need help. They need friends, family, love, hope, and trust. They need someone that they can look up to and have faith in. Someone who they know won’t hurt them or throw them to the side when they make mistakes. With both discipline and direction, children from bad backgrounds can grow up and live crime free lives.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Selling Your Used Car Essay -- essays research papers fc
Process Essay Thesis: The majority of the American population has very little, or no understanding of the used car trade. A simple understanding on when and where to sell, how to get your car ready, writing a classified ad, negotiating, and making a contract.      With consumer demand rising and supply constrained by several factors, including the tendency of new-car owners to hang on to them longer, prices for used vehicles have been climbing steadily. According to one recent study, nearly three times as many shoppers now want to buy a used, rather than a new, vehicle. (Dalglish)      In trying to find the perfect buyer, your options include: new-car dealers, used-car dealers, and friends and strangers. New-car dealers are generally eager and ready to buy. They are incredibly picky about every aspect of a car’s condition. New-car dealers will be choosy about the make and model, preferring newer models in relatively good condition.(Makower) They will pay a relatively low price for the car. Used-car dealers are also eager to buy and incredibly picky about every aspect of a car’s condition. But they aren’t very choosy about the cars they buy. However, they will pay a rock-bottom price for the car. Friends and strangers are usually eager and ready to buy. They will be much less picky, and rely more on your word for information. They will be choosy about the car, but will already be interested in the car through your ad. You will get the best price, through negotiations, but you have to work harder. The best time to sell is in t he springtime when the weather turns nice. Other good times are in September when kids are going off to college; and in the dead of winter, when there is no competition.      It is possible to turn the average used-car into a saleable commodity in just a few hours. You should dress up your car, regardless of the condition you normally keep it in. You want to make it clean, neat, and even smelling nice. You must do this to the entire car, inside and out, from one end to the other. Most car buyers understand that appearance is a good indicator of how well someone treated the car overall. Nine important steps to take are: washing and waxing, painting and touching up, cleaning your tires, a thorough cleaning of the interior, gather all the important documents, steam... ...importantly, make copies of everything you sign. The bill of sale is the basic car-buying document that records the transaction. The following should be included: the date of the sale, year and make and model of the car, state registration, VIN number, odometer reading, amount sale is for, extra conditions, and the buyer’s and seller’s names and addresses and phone numbers. Make sure that each party gets a copy of the bill of sale.      A large percentage of the population uses the automobile regularly. The majority of the population, over 90%, has little or no understanding of the car buying art. (Robertson) Many people feel that selling their car themselves can be a real hassle. But, if you can realize that you will get several hundred dollars more than what a dealer might offer you, it just may be worth a little effort and time on your part. Works Cited Dalglish, Brenda. â€Å"Better Than New: used-car prices jump as consumer demand grows.†     Maclean’s 10 Jul. 1995: 22-24 Makower, Joel. How to Sell a Used Car. New York: Perigee Books, 1988. Robertson, C.B. How to Deal on an Automobile. Lyons: Blue Mountain Publisher, 1988.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Self-Proclaimed Philosopher “Charlotte Perkins Gilman”
Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a self-proclaimed philosopher, writer, educator and an intellectual activist of the women's movement from the late 1890's through the mid-1920's. She demanded equal treatment for women as the best means to advance society's progress. She was an extraordinary woman who waged a lifelong battle against the restrictive social codes for women in late nineteenth-century America. Mrs. Gilman was born Charlotte Anna Perkins on July 3, 1860, in Providence, Rhode Island. She was the grandniece of Harriet Beecher Stowe. She attributed her lifelong talent for speaking and her writing ability to her Beecher heritage. Most of what Charlotte learned was self-taught, since her formal schooling was only about six or seven years. Gilman believed early on that she was destined to dedicate her life to serving humanity. When her lover unexpectedly proposed, she was suddenly torn between work and marriage. After years of debating whether to marry or not to marry, she consented and to the best of her abilities carried on the traditional roles of wife and mother, only to suffer a nervous breakdown. When her treatment of total rest drove her close to insanity, she was cured by removing herself physically from her home, husband, and finally her daughter, and by taking part in and writing about the social movements of the day. Later in life she married her first cousin, George Gilman, and again suffered from depression though not as severely as she had suffered throughout her first marriage. Using her life experiences as a female within a male dominated society, Gilman wanted to redefine womanhood. She declared that women were equal to men in all aspects of life. This new woman she described was to be an intelligent, well-informed and well-educated thinker. She would also be the creator and the expresser of her own ideas. She was to be economically self-sufficient, socially independent, and politically active. She would share the opportunities, duties and responsibilities of the workplace with men, and together they would take care of their home. Finally, this new woman was to be informed, assertive, confident, and influential, as well as compassionate, loving, and sensitive, at work and at home. This vision of the future female went against the traditional role of womanhood, not to mention the concepts and values of family, home, religion, community, and democracy. These views have labeled Gilman as a feminist, but theses ideas clearly have a place within educational history. Gilman showed the need to develop higher learning institutions for teacher education and to offer women a place that would train them to think more critically. She viewed the education of women as an essential part of a democratic society. She felt by educating women and thus feminizing society that gender discrepancies within society would end. Gilman began to explore the issue of gender discrepancy within society in the mid-1880's when she first began her career as a writer. Her first published essays focused on the inequality found within marriage and child-rearing. Her well received short story The Yellow Wallpaper told the story of a new mother who was nearly driven insane by the overwhelming traditional duties piled upon her as a wife and mother. The story mirrored that of her own experiences after the birth of her only child. In her highly successful publication of Women and Economics, she studied the issues of gender discrepancy and the relationship between education and women. Gilman stated that humans â€Å"are the only animal species in which the female depends upon the male for food, the only animal in which the sex-relation is also an economic relation. †She said that women's economic dependence resulted in their being â€Å"denied the enlarged activities, which have developed intelligence in man, denied the education of the will, which only comes, by freedom and power. To Gilman, the liberation of women required education and the opportunity to use what they learned to establish social as well as economic independence. In Gilman's journal called the Forerunner, she said the goal of education was to teach men, women and children to think for themselves instead of excepting other people's opinions as their own. She felt that learning centers at the turn of the century were teaching females with masculine content and philosophy. Gilman maintained that the educational philosophy needed to be changed because it was still too narrow in thinking since masculine traits were defined as human while female traits were defined as something other. She felt that these women were being educated to think like men. Once education was feminized, she believed that women could place an emphasis on social responsibility and specialized knowledge, which would develop them to their full potential. Gilman said that by teaching women to dedicate their lives to the common good that it would free them from the daily household routines and help them to recognize their connection and contribution to the world around them and become active members of the economy. In her work entitled Concerning Children she stated that a civilized society is responsible for raising civilized children and that it was the responsibility of everyone in the community to accomplish this by attending to the needs of its young. In Herland, another of her works, she said that children should start their education in infancy. Well-trained professionals should teach this education since motherhood was not a guarantee of teaching abilities. Throughout her long career as a feminist writer and lecturer, Gilman was never comfortable with labels. â€Å"I was not a reformer but a philosopher,†she wrote in her autobiography. â€Å"I worked for various reforms†¦ my business was to find out what ailed society, and how most easily and naturally to improve it. This method was through education. She used her lectures and publications to teach present and future generations about the possibilities that lay open to them. Gilman's writings about the tensions and struggles between marriage and career, social expectations, and personal goals continue to impact women's decisions. Her arguments have greatly heightened our understanding of the power of social norms on individuals, making Gilman's life and literary works a role model for many. Even though these works were written a century ago, Gilman's view of womanhood and education remains important as society continues to struggle with issues of gender and women continue to struggle for equality and independence. Self-Proclaimed Philosopher â€Å"Charlotte Perkins Gilman†Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a self-proclaimed philosopher, writer, educator and an intellectual activist of the women's movement from the late 1890's through the mid-1920's. She demanded equal treatment for women as the best means to advance society's progress. She was an extraordinary woman who waged a lifelong battle against the restrictive social codes for women in late nineteenth-century America. Mrs. Gilman was born Charlotte Anna Perkins on July 3, 1860, in Providence, Rhode Island. She was the grandniece of Harriet Beecher Stowe. She attributed her lifelong talent for speaking and her writing ability to her Beecher heritage. Most of what Charlotte learned was self-taught, since her formal schooling was only about six or seven years. Gilman believed early on that she was destined to dedicate her life to serving humanity. When her lover unexpectedly proposed, she was suddenly torn between work and marriage. After years of debating whether to marry or not to marry, she consented and to the best of her abilities carried on the traditional roles of wife and mother, only to suffer a nervous breakdown. When her treatment of total rest drove her close to insanity, she was cured by removing herself physically from her home, husband, and finally her daughter, and by taking part in and writing about the social movements of the day. Later in life she married her first cousin, George Gilman, and again suffered from depression though not as severely as she had suffered throughout her first marriage. Using her life experiences as a female within a male dominated society, Gilman wanted to redefine womanhood. She declared that women were equal to men in all aspects of life. This new woman she described was to be an intelligent, well-informed and well-educated thinker. She would also be the creator and the expresser of her own ideas. She was to be economically self-sufficient, socially independent, and politically active. She would share the opportunities, duties and responsibilities of the workplace with men, and together they would take care of their home. Finally, this new woman was to be informed, assertive, confident, and influential, as well as compassionate, loving, and sensitive, at work and at home. This vision of the future female went against the traditional role of womanhood, not to mention the concepts and values of family, home, religion, community, and democracy. These views have labeled Gilman as a feminist, but theses ideas clearly have a place within educational history. Gilman showed the need to develop higher learning institutions for teacher education and to offer women a place that would train them to think more critically. She viewed the education of women as an essential part of a democratic society. She felt by educating women and thus feminizing society that gender discrepancies within society would end. Gilman began to explore the issue of gender discrepancy within society in the mid-1880's when she first began her career as a writer. Her first published essays focused on the inequality found within marriage and child-rearing. Her well received short story The Yellow Wallpaper told the story of a new mother who was nearly driven insane by the overwhelming traditional duties piled upon her as a wife and mother. The story mirrored that of her own experiences after the birth of her only child. In her highly successful publication of Women and Economics, she studied the issues of gender discrepancy and the relationship between education and women. Gilman stated that humans â€Å"are the only animal species in which the female depends upon the male for food, the only animal in which the sex-relation is also an economic relation. †She said that women's economic dependence resulted in their being â€Å"denied the enlarged activities, which have developed intelligence in man, denied the education of the will, which only comes, by freedom and power. To Gilman, the liberation of women required education and the opportunity to use what they learned to establish social as well as economic independence. In Gilman's journal called the Forerunner, she said the goal of education was to teach men, women and children to think for themselves instead of excepting other people's opinions as their own. She felt that learning centers at the turn of the century were teaching females with masculine content and philosophy. Gilman maintained that the educational philosophy needed to be changed because it was still too narrow in thinking since masculine traits were defined as human while female traits were defined as something other. She felt that these women were being educated to think like men. Once education was feminized, she believed that women could place an emphasis on social responsibility and specialized knowledge, which would develop them to their full potential. Gilman said that by teaching women to dedicate their lives to the common good that it would free them from the daily household routines and help them to recognize their connection and contribution to the world around them and become active members of the economy. In her work entitled Concerning Children she stated that a civilized society is responsible for raising civilized children and that it was the responsibility of everyone in the community to accomplish this by attending to the needs of its young. In Herland, another of her works, she said that children should start their education in infancy. Well-trained professionals should teach this education since motherhood was not a guarantee of teaching abilities. Throughout her long career as a feminist writer and lecturer, Gilman was never comfortable with labels. â€Å"I was not a reformer but a philosopher,†she wrote in her autobiography. â€Å"I worked for various reforms†¦ my business was to find out what ailed society, and how most easily and naturally to improve it. This method was through education. She used her lectures and publications to teach present and future generations about the possibilities that lay open to them. Gilman's writings about the tensions and struggles between marriage and career, social expectations, and personal goals continue to impact women's decisions. Her arguments have greatly heightened our understanding of the power of social norms on individuals, making Gilman's life and literary works a role model for many. Even though these works were written a century ago, Gilman's view of womanhood and education remains important as society continues to struggle with issues of gender and women continue to struggle for equality and independence. Self-Proclaimed Philosopher â€Å"Charlotte Perkins Gilman†Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a self-proclaimed philosopher, writer, educator and an intellectual activist of the women's movement from the late 1890's through the mid-1920's. She demanded equal treatment for women as the best means to advance society's progress. She was an extraordinary woman who waged a lifelong battle against the restrictive social codes for women in late nineteenth-century America. Mrs. Gilman was born Charlotte Anna Perkins on July 3, 1860, in Providence, Rhode Island. She was the grandniece of Harriet Beecher Stowe. She attributed her lifelong talent for speaking and her writing ability to her Beecher heritage. Most of what Charlotte learned was self-taught, since her formal schooling was only about six or seven years. Gilman believed early on that she was destined to dedicate her life to serving humanity. When her lover unexpectedly proposed, she was suddenly torn between work and marriage. After years of debating whether to marry or not to marry, she consented and to the best of her abilities carried on the traditional roles of wife and mother, only to suffer a nervous breakdown. When her treatment of total rest drove her close to insanity, she was cured by removing herself physically from her home, husband, and finally her daughter, and by taking part in and writing about the social movements of the day. Later in life she married her first cousin, George Gilman, and again suffered from depression though not as severely as she had suffered throughout her first marriage. Using her life experiences as a female within a male dominated society, Gilman wanted to redefine womanhood. She declared that women were equal to men in all aspects of life. This new woman she described was to be an intelligent, well-informed and well-educated thinker. She would also be the creator and the expresser of her own ideas. She was to be economically self-sufficient, socially independent, and politically active. She would share the opportunities, duties and responsibilities of the workplace with men, and together they would take care of their home. Finally, this new woman was to be informed, assertive, confident, and influential, as well as compassionate, loving, and sensitive, at work and at home. This vision of the future female went against the traditional role of womanhood, not to mention the concepts and values of family, home, religion, community, and democracy. These views have labeled Gilman as a feminist, but theses ideas clearly have a place within educational history. Gilman showed the need to develop higher learning institutions for teacher education and to offer women a place that would train them to think more critically. She viewed the education of women as an essential part of a democratic society. She felt by educating women and thus feminizing society that gender discrepancies within society would end. Gilman began to explore the issue of gender discrepancy within society in the mid-1880's when she first began her career as a writer. Her first published essays focused on the inequality found within marriage and child-rearing. Her well received short story The Yellow Wallpaper told the story of a new mother who was nearly driven insane by the overwhelming traditional duties piled upon her as a wife and mother. The story mirrored that of her own experiences after the birth of her only child. In her highly successful publication of Women and Economics, she studied the issues of gender discrepancy and the relationship between education and women. Gilman stated that humans â€Å"are the only animal species in which the female depends upon the male for food, the only animal in which the sex-relation is also an economic relation. †She said that women's economic dependence resulted in their being â€Å"denied the enlarged activities, which have developed intelligence in man, denied the education of the will, which only comes, by freedom and power. To Gilman, the liberation of women required education and the opportunity to use what they learned to establish social as well as economic independence. In Gilman's journal called the Forerunner, she said the goal of education was to teach men, women and children to think for themselves instead of excepting other people's opinions as their own. She felt that learning centers at the turn of the century were teaching females with masculine content and philosophy. Gilman maintained that the educational philosophy needed to be changed because it was still too narrow in thinking since masculine traits were defined as human while female traits were defined as something other. She felt that these women were being educated to think like men. Once education was feminized, she believed that women could place an emphasis on social responsibility and specialized knowledge, which would develop them to their full potential. Gilman said that by teaching women to dedicate their lives to the common good that it would free them from the daily household routines and help them to recognize their connection and contribution to the world around them and become active members of the economy. In her work entitled Concerning Children she stated that a civilized society is responsible for raising civilized children and that it was the responsibility of everyone in the community to accomplish this by attending to the needs of its young. In Herland, another of her works, she said that children should start their education in infancy. Well-trained professionals should teach this education since motherhood was not a guarantee of teaching abilities. Throughout her long career as a feminist writer and lecturer, Gilman was never comfortable with labels. â€Å"I was not a reformer but a philosopher,†she wrote in her autobiography. â€Å"I worked for various reforms†¦ my business was to find out what ailed society, and how most easily and naturally to improve it. This method was through education. She used her lectures and publications to teach present and future generations about the possibilities that lay open to them. Gilman's writings about the tensions and struggles between marriage and career, social expectations, and personal goals continue to impact women's decisions. Her arguments have greatly heightened our understanding of the power of social norms on individuals, making Gilman's life and literary works a role model for many. Even though these works were written a century ago, Gilman's view of womanhood and education remains important as society continues to struggle with issues of gender and women continue to struggle for equality and independence.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Job Description
Planning Creates annual operating plans that support strategic direction set by the board and correlate with annual operating budgets; submits annual plans to the board for approval Collaborates with the board to define and articulate the organization's ision and to develop strategies for achieving that vision Develops and monitors strategies for ensuring the long-term financial viability of the organization Develops future leadership within the organization 2.Management Promotes a culture that reflects the organization's values, encourages good performance, and rewards productivity Hires, manages, and fires the human resources of the organization according to authorized personnel policies and procedures that fully conform to current laws and regulations Oversees the perations of organization and manages its compliance with legal and regulatory requirements Creates and maintains procedures for Implementing plans approved by the board of directors Ensures that staff and board have suf ficient and up-to-date information.Evaluates the organization's and the staffs performance on a regular basis 3. Financial management Oversees staff in developing annual budgets that support operating plans and submits budgets for board approval Prudently manages the organization's resources ithin budget guidelines according to current laws and regulations Ensures that staff practices all appropriate accounting procedures in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Provides prompt, thorough, and accurate Information to keep the board appropriately Informed of the organization's financial position 4.HR management Recruitment and contracting of company and project staff, Employee development, and training; Policy development and documentation; Employee relations; Performance management and improvement systems; Employment and compliance to regulatory concerns and reporting; Company-wide committee facilitation Including planning, production, staff and Board of Di rectors, including arranging meetings and agendas, attending and minuting meetings; Manage advertising opportunities in other theatre program, press and at venues.Organize the availability of company members for media/PR events as necessary. Oversee content, production and distribution of all marketing and publicity materials (posters, program, flyers, mail outs, brochures etc) with director, designer and project anager. Manage press development; Co-ordinate the invitation of potential future promoters and supporters of the company. 7.Community Relationships Serves as the primary spokesperson and representative for the organization Assures that the organization and its mission, programs, and services are consistently presented in a strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders Actively advocates for the organization, its beliefs, and its programmatic efforts Acts as a liaison between the organization and the community, building relationships with eer organizations when appropriate 8.Programmatic Effectiveness Oversees design, delivery, and quality of programs and services Stays abreast of current trends related to the organization's products and services and anticipates future trends likely to have an impact on its work Collects and analyzes evaluation information that measures the success of the organization's program efforts; refines or changes programs in response to that information 6.Fund Raising Serves as a primary person in donor relationships and the person to make one-on- ne fund raising solicitations Develops fund raising strategies with the board and supports the board in fund raising activities Oversees staff in the development and implementation of fund raising plans that support strategies adopted by the Development Committee Oversees staff in the timely submission grant applications and progress reports for funders. Job description Planning & Control Reports to Head of Planning & Control Summary of role Ensure Factory System set-ups function correctly and client data is processed accurately and on time. Record and report all problems encountered and ensure their resolution. Monitor clients' schedules, priorities release of work to Production and ensure the work is completed on time.Specific responsibilities Involvement in all aspects of technical support including networks, desktop, UNIX administration, backups, disaster recovery, internal/external interfaces, security and software, Help Desk support. Monitor clients' schedules for all incoming transmissions and ensure all scheduled Jobs are processed correctly. Escalate file processing failures via ‘SMS for investigation and communicate the failure with client and/or Client Services Representative. Monitor Master Server log, report and track all issues.Process and release Sample Request and End to End test files as required. Complete all new and change r equests for client set up in Factory including new Corps, Plan Templates and Custom Plans. Complete all new and change requests for client set up In Factory such as Plan Templates and Custom Plans. Priorities release of work to the shop floor ensuring client data sign off Instructions and any other mailing requirements are met, and ensure that correct DOD Is assigned. Proactive involvement in any special projects on an ad hoc basis as and when required. Attend and comply with all training.Undertake other work time to time as requested by the Team Leader. References The Open University (2012) BIBB/BOX. Managing 1: Organizations and people, Module Activities, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Table 10. 1 Job description By Petersen processing failures via ISMS for investigation and communicate the failure with client client set up in Factory such as Plan Templates and Custom Plans. Priorities release of work to the shop floor ensuring client data sign off instructions and any other mailing requirements are met, and ensure that correct DOD is assigned. Proactive Job description Planning & Control Reports to Head of Planning & Control Summary of role Ensure Factory System set-ups function correctly and client data is processed accurately and on time. Record and report all problems encountered and ensure their resolution. Monitor clients' schedules, priorities release of work to Production and ensure the work is completed on time.Specific responsibilities Involvement in all aspects of technical support including networks, desktop, UNIX administration, backups, disaster recovery, internal/external interfaces, security and software, Help Desk support. Monitor clients' schedules for all incoming transmissions and ensure all scheduled Jobs are processed correctly. Escalate file processing failures via ‘SMS for investigation and communicate the failure with client and/or Client Services Representative. Monitor Master Server log, report and track all issues.Process and release Sample Request and End to End test files as required. Complete all new and change r equests for client set up in Factory including new Corps, Plan Templates and Custom Plans. Complete all new and change requests for client set up In Factory such as Plan Templates and Custom Plans. Priorities release of work to the shop floor ensuring client data sign off Instructions and any other mailing requirements are met, and ensure that correct DOD Is assigned. Proactive involvement in any special projects on an ad hoc basis as and when required. Attend and comply with all training.Undertake other work time to time as requested by the Team Leader. References The Open University (2012) BIBB/BOX. Managing 1: Organizations and people, Module Activities, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Table 10. 1 Job description By Petersen processing failures via ISMS for investigation and communicate the failure with client client set up in Factory such as Plan Templates and Custom Plans. Priorities release of work to the shop floor ensuring client data sign off instructions and any other mailing requirements are met, and ensure that correct DOD is assigned. Proactive
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Looking At The Definition Of Public Private Partnership Social Work Essay Essays
Looking At The Definition Of Public Private Partnership Social Work Essay Essays Looking At The Definition Of Public Private Partnership Social Work Essay Essay Looking At The Definition Of Public Private Partnership Social Work Essay Essay Public Private Partnership is known worldwide as an of import beginning of spurring clannish assets in stock edifice and bettering public service bringing. As we move on with this concern, it gets of import to look into aims for PPP in visit to understand the hazards and responsibilities the authorities would hit to follow in visit to do PPPs growing. The pros and cons of PPPs have been much discussed among policy-makers for many old ages, with the pros by and large winning the argument as a turning figure of once-nationalized industries in many states have been privatized. Increased involvement in PPP may be due to a assortment of factors. The moving ridge of denationalization and deregulating attempts in other sectors of the economic system have led persons to look for extra countries where such reforms may be applied. A public argument about low quality in some publicly-provided services ( such as public instruction or public assistance services ) has led some to see in private provided services as a possible option. Finally, the strong current concern with cost control in public budgets has led policy-makers to look for possible budget nest eggs ; it has been scrutinized for ways to supply greater efficiency. Whole-of-life costing: Through whole of life bing the authorities can accomplish optimisation between capital costs and operating and care costs, a realistic projection of sum spending of ownership, and a artifact of comparing viing designs on a like-with-like footing Invention: Supplying wider inducements for original solutions to help bringing Asset use: Developing chances to bring forth income from use of the plus by 3rd parties, which may cut down the spending that the civil order would otherwise hold to pay as a exclusive user with the results that that PPPs can present. DECEPTIVE RESONS FOR PURSUING PPP The chief delusory ground why some authoritiess prosecute PPPs is to entree finance that would otherwise non be available. Accessing finance would non be accomplishable ultimate by presenting a PPP. If an substructure beginning is non assured that, between user fees and authorities subsidies, it module be able to retrieve its costs, the authorities would unable to raise the top needed fund to construct the undertaking. The authorities faculty will non able to pull clannish finance merely by make up ones minding to make PPP, cost recovery would necessitate to be resolute before capital can be raised. PPP AND PAKISTAN Most people who have live in the Pakistan think of province proviso when they think of public services. Consequently, when they think of public services being removed from province proviso they think of denationalization likely with the engagement of multi-national capital. However, for those who lived in from the period of the Industrial Revolution until the Second World war, and for million of people across the universe who have lived since the war and up to the present twenty-four hours, the proviso of services is non entirely a affair for the province ; it is a affair for the populace. For people non populating within our narrow cultural restraints, bringing of services is provided through co-operatives and mutuals. The democratic nature of co-operative constructions gives people direct power over service bringing. The province, whether cardinal or local, acts as a surety of peoples rights to services. The province must ever be prepared to move as an enabler but should merely be a supplier in the last resort. Given our cognition of this better manner, we must go on to prosecute, non from any sense of ideological high quality, but because we know that this better manner is more economically efficient and will supply better service bringing which meets people demands better than current proviso. It is deserving admiting that there is some co-operative proviso in Pakistan, for illustration there are a figure of lodging cooperatives. It is every bit deserving admiting that there is a wider tierce sector which contains assorted societal endeavors, charities and lodging associations. Some of these are in a grant funded agreement with the province while others take a more trading attack to procurance. Co-operative solutions, peculiarly when they are worker-led, necessitate the support of trade brotherhoods. It is of import to acquire the message across that co-operation is non denationalization. Since trade brotherhoods are at that place to protect their members, possibly co-operation should be promoted as a construction which can assist protect their members. There is a demand to do co-operative working the preferable option for workers in the service sector. Local Government Local authorities has played a prima function in Pakistan s communities for many old ages and continues to hold a cardinal function to play. Support for co-operative values is non new to local authorities. Regional councils in peculiar funded and supported co-operative development. Pakistan s local governments have an of import function to play in back uping co-operative concerns working in partnership with co-operative and common endeavors. Local Governments need to be spouses in developing common solutions with communities. Pakistan s local governments should work in partnership with co-operative endeavors to better societal services, develop anti-poverty schemes and to supply environmental justness for communities. Procurement constabularies designed to accomplish societal purposes and maximise the benefits for local communities will ever help successful co-operative endeavors. We should dispute the fear civilization and encourage best pattern. Procurement statute law demands to be looked at and all local services should be considered for cooperative options. Traveling to a co-operative theoretical account of service bringing would necessitate a complete reappraisal of departmental constructions within the local governments bing political model. We need to set in topographic point now the support mechanism to underpin co-operative service development. There is widespread recognition that the manner local governments deliver public services is altering. Privatization is go oning but co-operative solutions can set people in ownership and control and enhance democracy. We should be pro-active in looking for services which are due to be externalized and have a co-operative theoretical account ready to advance. Public services should be delivered harmonizing to demand and any net income should be paid back into the community. We need to develop across local authorities, through instruction, a cognition base of councilors and policy shapers across all parties together with officers with expertness ready to defend the co-op theoretical account. Planing Planning is an issue that cuts across policy countries. We should see this as an chance to develop a co-operative attack to some of the greatest challenges in 21st century Pakistan. Planning, above all else, is about co-ordination of proviso and co-operative theoretical accounts, peculiarly secondary co-operative theoretical accounts, provide an ideal solution in this context. There are clear chances to develop co-op theoretical accounts to run into the demands of society to organize its attack to service bringing. For illustration, an industrial and provident society theoretical account could be used to make separate legal entities which would be responsible for associating up the shared duties of the Health Service and local authorities and be democratically accountable to the communities they serve. This means widening co-operation beyond co-operation with a little degree Celsius to making constructions which are to the full accountable. It is of import that co-operators take an active engagement in local planning and utilize it to prosecute with community groups. As a Movement which is to a great extent involved in retail and belongings, we are good placed to supply socially responsible solutions to the job of town Centre development in Pakistan. The co-operative theoretical account would supply an ideal construction for town Centre partnerships. Not merely co-operation with a little degree Celsius between those involved in back uping town Centre development but existent concern theoretical accounts which could be used to develop town centres in a manner that communities would desire. We should seek to set up a consensus that co-operation is the default place. When be aftering new developments it is of import to include drama countries, community stores and centres where appropriate. Co-ops should seek to take advantage of community benefit clauses. The community benefit facet should be seen as a manner to develop new co-op concerns. Health As co-operators, we view healthcare much in the same manner we see every issue that confronts people, their households and communities we believe that power should lie with the people. Communities have to take duty for wellness proviso and we believe co-operative and common theoretical accounts of healthcare supply them with the best chance to make this. The extremely affectional runs which have arisen from proposals to re-design the bringing of ague and specializer services underlines the importance placed on the NHS by communities and the sensitiveness with which politicians need to cover with the issue of wellness. The co-operative theoretical account could be applied to infirmaries. With the aging population, societal attention was highlighted is the type of service where the lovingness, sharing Co-op theoretical account should be an obvious option. We believe that co-operative theoretical accounts would bring forth greater integrating and would propose that the grounds of co-operative healthcare proviso overseas supports this contention. A cardinal challenge for the proviso of wellness services is to link them with people the users, employees, patients and the wider community. It is indispensable to breed a type of ownership that enables stakeholders to experience that these services are run on their behalf and non for person else s vested involvements. We must turn to the issue of elections to Health Boards which would make an component of community engagement and answerability in wellness bringing. Consideration should be given to the progressively ambitious topic of attention proviso in Pakistan. This is an country which requires partnership between the NHS and local authorities. It is besides an country which may hold important possible for co-operative development and is an country being prioritized by Co-operative Development Pakistan. We require action on pharmaceutics bringing and occupational wellness looking at co-operative instead than private solutions. Education Public services are more concerned about the bringing of instruction as a service instead than curricular issues. However, it is deserving stating that the issues of educational constructions and course of study are connected. The Co-operative Movement has an first-class record in instruction. When, in the past, co-operatives have delivered instruction, bringing and content have supported each other. We hope that development sing co-operative schools will take to a return to this nexus. The work being done at nowadays in Pakistan is to be extremely commended and we hope this will accomplish its aim of conveying co-operative thoughts to every school in Pakistan. However, there is a long manner to travel. Co-operation offers solutions to many of the challenges of public service proviso but co-operative solutions have been ignored because civil retainers and politicians have no background cognition in co-operation. Schooling system, about without exclusion, wholly ignores co-ops concern theoretical accounts. Most instructors are still incognizant of cooperatives and therefore the ignorance perpetuates itself. We recognize that instruction sits rather steadfastly within local authorities and that most people in Pakistan would wish it to stay so. However, we would reason that in the longer term it is non merely the course of study which should go co-operative but besides the constructions. We need to go on to discourse how we can farther develop co-operative instruction in schools and to develop the ownership of the course of study so that it is owned and managed by the communities it serves. We should collate and construct on best pattern already in schools, such as the the work of brotherhoods, conveying new nest eggs theoretical accounts into schools. It is indispensable to advance the co-operative theoretical account at school degree and every bit of import to prosecute with the curricular drivers in Pakistan such as Learning and Teaching Pakistan. PPP attacks should non be seen as a charming slug and may be best suited to specific fortunes. As in all instances of public procurance, corruptness remains a hazard that must be carefully managed. As PPP undertakings are comparatively new, deficiency of acquaintance with the processs may open up new corruptness hazards. On the other manus, greater accent on the bringing and measuring of results in PPP procurance may present greater degrees of transparence and answerability. The chief advantages and disadvantages of PPP are summarized below: Decision Palatopharyngoplasties have a batch to offer to the national economic system as it constitutes a public A ; private sector coaction. This allows for a balance between the public and private sector leting all parties to hold an equal part of the Public-Private Partnership pie. With public private partnerships, the Government seeks to tackle the invention and subjects of the private sector, by presenting private sector investors who put their ain capital at hazard. This is achieved either by presenting private sector ownership into a state-owned plus or concern, or by contractual agreements in which the private sector bears the fiscal hazard involved in presenting a peculiar service or other signifier of specified end product. If the concern or service supplier operates in a competitory market, market subjects will supply an inducement to maximise quality of service. If such subjects do non be, and can non easy be introduced, quality criterions can be enforced through ordinance or by public presentation demands in the contract with the populace sector. By tackling private sector subjects in this manner, PPPs can assist to better value for money, so enabling the Government to supply more public services and to a higher criterion within the resources available.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Top 10 Most Stressful Jobs of 2016
Top 10 Most Stressful Jobs of 2016 All jobs have aspects or components that make them stressful- even the ones that don’t seem like very high-stakes occupations. Certain scenarios or times of the year come up and it’s a mad sprint- all hands on deck. Crunch time. Then there are the jobs that just don’t seem to ever let up. Here are the top 10 most stressful jobs of this year- based on deadlines, public scrutiny, required travel, physical risk, physical demands, environmental conditions, hazards, public interaction, and risk of one’s life. Starting to look pretty good to go into Library Science? 1. Enlisted Military PersonnelMaking less than $30k per year, and constantly risking one’s life, this is one of the most stressful jobs out there.2. FirefighterYour job is starting to look pretty cushy, when you consider that for less than $50k a year, on average, some people have to run into burning buildings on the regular. And you thought that big project was really making you stressed!3 . Airline pilotWith a median income of just over $100k per year, airline pilots are well compensated for the stress of ferrying hundreds upon hundreds of souls around the globe. That responsibility alone is incredibly stressful.4. Police officerMaking just a bit more than a firefighter, based on median income, police officers are also under a great deal of stress and risk of life.5. Event coordinatorEvent coordinators may not risk their lives or limbs, but they are still the people left holding the bag when anything- major or minor- goes wrong. If the hors d’oeuvres come out five minutes late- or early- or if the band has the wrong cord to connect their amp, or if there is a typo in the invitations†¦ You name it, they gets yelled at. These aren’t life threatening stakes, but the stress is almost always at a high.6. PR ExecPublic Relations executives are responsible for the reputations and the fame-level of their clients. They don’t just have to man age logistics, they have to manage perception and public opinion. And that takes a lot of nail biting. Especially when their clients do something that requires the putting out of fires (albeit, of course, not literal fires).7. Senior Corporate ExecIf you’ve made it to the top of your company tree, it’s not all big bonuses and stock options. With every rung up the ladder comes a great deal more pressure. And with pressure comes†¦ you guessed it, stress.8. BroadcasterFor a surprisingly low annual median salary of less than $30k per year, a broadcaster is required to clearly and calmly read the news from a teleprompter often riddled with typos. She must be poised and in control at all times, as all of this happens live. You think public speaking is hard? Try doing it every day on television.9. Newspaper reporterYou won’t make a lot of money, and you’ll have to run headlong into potentially dangerous or volatile situations to get a story. And once you ge t it, you have to race to get it published first. One mistake and you’ll have lost your reputation.10. Taxi driverThis gig is perhaps the least well-paid of the top 10. Taxi drivers have to deal with rude people, drunk people, and people in a rush. Not to mention other lunatic drivers, rush hour traffic, accidents, and weather. Plus they’re stuck in a car. Imagine trying to find a parking space in NYC every time you had to pee!The 10 Most Stressful Jobs In 2016
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Personal Branding Plan Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Personal Branding Plan - Research Paper Example I believe I can swim in the fenland of life, in the streets and not come out stinking, and hunt monsters without turning into one. Through my interest in others and genuine concern for my community I develop lasting, fruitful relationship with my colleagues and increase the citizens trust in law enforcement agencies. My interest in law enforcing, however, goes beyond community law enforcing, as I would like to widen my boundaries and practice law enforcing on a broader scale. The priority function of the Border Patrol is preventing illegal entry of aliens and weapons, including weapons of mass destruction into the country (Defle, 2002). This particular line of duty has always fascinated me and holds a great appeal for me as it is my aspiration to help develop a peaceful nation. Becoming a Border Patrol Officer is a step towards maintaining internal peace as it is a border patrol officer’s main aim to prevent terrorists and terrorists’ weapons from entering the country by securing the states borderline (Defle, 2002). Their agents work round the clock on assignments, in all kinds of terrain and weather conditions. Agents also work in many isolated communities around the country. Several years as a law enforcement officer have strengthened my endurance and perseverance ability. Therefore, this line of work is an ideal match for my experience and skills (Defle, 2002). Private security is involved with ensuring the safety and security of individuals and property, as well as sensitive organization information and intellectual property. Being a private security officer is often a hard job and at the same time honorable merely because the employee is constantly risking his life with regard to protecting other people (Defle, 2002). The job requires a certain degree of willingness and dedication as well as the sense of being responsible for other people. I believe I possess these qualities. Private
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Present an idea for a new business idea (coffee shop) in Sydney. The Assignment
Present an idea for a new business idea (coffee shop) in Sydney. The report will take the form of a detailed feasibility study d - Assignment Example Moreover, with the increasing demand for coffee among the people of Australia will assist in better development of this business owing to which this idea can be noted as an effective practice to attain better growth opportunities and generate income in a less risk and sustainable way. What Are Your Objectives For Your Business Over The Next Twelve Months? In its performance during the initial 12 months period, the coffee shop will aim to provide quality coffee and services for the people to have a better recess experience in Australia and thereby strengthen its foothold in the market with due significance towards its mission and vision. Moreover, with greater demand for coffee, the main aim of the coffee shop will be to be recognized as one the best coffee in Sydney in its future endeavors. What Are Your Objectives for Your Business Over the Following Two Years? The coffee shop, intended to be established following this market plan, after developing a better position in the market wi ll aim towards increased profitability as well as towards being reputed as a renowned coffee shop in Sydney over the next two years. ... The coffee shop will provide better quality coffee with enhanced fragrance or aroma and thus create a differentiation within its market sphere. The shop will also be equipped with a friendly atmosphere and staffs so as to give a high quality service to the customers. List All the Products And/ Or Services That You Plan To Provide In The Future In the future, i.e. almost within the next two years, the coffee shop with better positions in the market segment and demand will provide a variety of coffee products to its consumers. The products will include brewed hot and cold coffee products, pancakes with chocolate coffee fillings and ice creams with blended coffee aroma. Who Will Operate The Business? It is worth mentioning in this context that the business of the coffee shop will be based on sole proprietorship. Sole proprietorship signifies that the business will be owned by a single individual who will be entitled for all risks as well as profits resulting from the conduct of the inte grated organizational performances (Linn-Benton Community College, 2013). Who Else Will Be Employed By The Business Immediately? In the initial stage, the coffee shop will employ ten experienced staff, who will be liable to conduct various responsibilities in relation to the business functions and thereby render an effective structure as well as working culture to the company. To be precise, these staff members will be responsible for preparing coffee products and meeting the requirements of the customers to ensure consistent growth in customer satisfaction, which is often regarded as an essential constituent for the long-run sustainability of any new start-up firm. Who Else Will Be Employed By The Business In The Future? In future, with
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